Character Profile: Aran’daj

Character Profile: Aran’daj

Aran’daj. Artwork courtesy of Galdriel Coffeen.

Aran’daj is the middle-aged commander of the Murkor army. He came into the role during a long period of peace, but is thrust into action when an insane wizard conscripts his people and forces them to fight a hopeless campaign. As he begins preparations for an unwanted war, the wizard does the unthinkable: he summons the Soulless, five powerful mages bound to the Nameless god and agents of their deity’s thirst for destruction.

Though the Murkor are quickly freed from the wizard’s grasp, the Soulless bully them into a similar situation. In order to keep his people safe from the Soulless’ murderous whims, Aran’daj is forced to comply with their demands. Under constant threat of death, he prepares the Murkor army for war against the Five Kingdoms to the west, and the Scorpion Men to the south. All the while, he does what he can to subvert the Soulless’ will without drawing undo attention to himself.

Aran’daj is the second of the six main characters in The Relics of War. He places the welfare of his people above all else, even if it results in his own personal suffering. He is a keen strategist, when he is allowed to make decisions without being overruled by the Soulless. He is often frustrated by his position, but he keeps the misgivings to himself in order to ensure none of his soldiers are harmed by their ruthless overlords.

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