Character Profile: Tavesin

Character Profile: Tavesin Drondes

Tavesin. Character artwork by Galadriel Coffeen.

Tavesin Drondes grew up in a small, rural village in the southern reaches of Delucha Kingdom. He did not travel away from his hometown until a wizard happened to pass through, and noticed Tavesin had the ability to use magic. He was immediately packed off to Dar Daelad and the Shining Tower to begin his training at the age of 14. 

Tavesin is the youngest of the cast in The Relics of War. At the beginning of the series he’s innocent and driven by boyish curiosity. After several run-ins with one of the Soulless, he is quickly forced to grow up, his childhood abruptly halted by the atrocities he is forced to witness and endure. His path, once dictated by simple wonder, becomes focused on two items: To protect those he cares for, and to defeat the Soulless at their own schemes.

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