Editing, Editing, Editing…

Editing, Editing, Editing…

I haven’t written anything new since January 2nd. It feels strange to have gone almost two months without typing out shiny new words for a never-before-seen story, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on anything.

No, I’ve been editing an entire series from start to finish. Four books back to back to back to back. This is pass three on this series (and book one had a fourth before it went to the proofreader.) I plan to go through books 2-4 a final time as well.

Usually, I don’t edit so many books in a row. It’s time consuming and can be draining, particularly if the first draft is in questionable shape. But in this case, it felt right. The Caein Legacy is one story that spans four books, with one main character throughout. For consistency’s sake, it felt like the right move. I want each book to flow well into the next, and I needed to make sure events aligned between them. It has been a long process, but one I believe will be worth the time spent.

I am almost done. The final pass I mentioned above shouldn’t take long, as the books feel like they’ve been wrangled into shape.

I’ve finished my final pass on Serpentus too, and that one has been set off to beta readers. Next up will be securing some cover artwork…

I’m ready to start actively writing again, but I’m not good at managing two writing-related tasks at once, so editing must come first. My next writing project will be book five in The Mage War Chronicles… Or maybe some post-trilogy shorts from The Relics of War. I haven’t decided which yet, but I have outlines for both.

If you’d like more information on any of the above projects, you can check it out here:

(Unfortunately I have not set up a page for Serpentus yet, but that will be coming soon.)

Editing, Editing, Editing…

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