“Spooky” Themes

“Spooky” Themes

In the spirit of Halloween, I wanted to showcase some of the spookier elements to my books! Some may or may not be considered spooky by some.

The Nameless’ Return

For those who have read even the first book in The Relics of War, you’re aware of the Nameless god. What you might not know is that before the end, the Soulless succeed in releasing him. It isn’t pretty.

There’s a cataclysm of sorts, and a certain “gift” he’s given by a certain villain that is unfortunate for many of those involved. Sorry, I have to be intentionally vague here, because it is a spoiler. Let’s just say, when the Nameless returns, the story gets dark very quickly. As the fallen god of death, I’m sure you understand why.

(And there are the Soulless themselves. Some of their actions might be considered creepy.)

Hunted has demons!

Some are traditional, some I made up on the fly. There is a type mentioned, though not featured much in the story, called a Dream-weaver. I described it as ethereal and ghost-like, and always imagined it would have an eerie presence.

There are also zombies and djinni, though I took some liberties with both in the story.

Giant Spiders

As some of you know, I have a thing for bugs. In both The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles, there are giant, intelligent spiders called Venom-weavers. They’re usually not friendly, and have been known to snare the unwary traveler in their webs. And when the Weavers are hungry, they’ll go after almost anything they consider prey – even a dragon.

The Unnamed Stories…

I started a series years ago that may or may not ever be finished. It was set in a fictional, small mountain town in Colorado, but with a bit of a paranormal twist.

One story featured werewolves, and though I worked on it off and on for a few years, I never finished it. (This is the problem I run into when I start something and don’t know my end game. I get stuck. The story dries up, winds up in my drawer of unfinished projects, and sits.)

The other story was about a man who could see ghosts after a near-death experience. That one probably had the creepiest vibe of anything I’ve written, but again, I didn’t have a plan beyond the initial idea. It hasn’t been finished, and I’m not sure it will be any time soon. Maybe one day…

I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween!

“Spooky” Themes

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