The Side Characters of Serpentus

The Side Characters of Serpentus

You’ve already met the main character of my upcoming fantasy standalone, Serpentus: Owen Greenwaters. But what about the side characters, those who help him out along the way?

Today’s post is focused on them. There are really three that need mentioning, as they have significant roles in Owen’s story.


If you’ve read The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel, you may recognize the name. Yes, it’s the same Aj’ana mentioned in the novella.

Aj’ana is a Murkor alchemist. A few parts of Serpentus take place in her laboratory, and you’ll get to see a bit more of what the alchemists do for the Murkor people and the war effort. You’ll also get to see another side of Murkor society in Serpentus, but that’s all I’m going to say about that for now (avoiding spoilers.)

Tessamir (Tess)

Tess was originally added to the story as a counterpoint to Owen’s sometimes cynical nature. She’s a former barkeep and brewer from Daesan in Delucha Kingdom. Brewing does play a minor role in Serpentus, as does a certain conversation about fungus. (I’m a microbiologist, sometimes I can’t help myself.)

Of the side characters I’m featuring today, Tess became my favorite. She has a no-nonsense attitude, a wry sense of humor, and even when the story is at its darkest, she provides a much-needed ray of hope for Owen. And she teases him relentlessly, which was fun for me to write.


Yep, this is another cross-over character from both The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel and The Relics of War trilogy. If you’ve read the trilogy in its entirety, you’ll understand why Jal’den is featured in Serpentus. And if you haven’t, well, I think you’re in for a treat.

Jal’den holds the unique title of Arms Master amongst the Murkor army. It’s basically a second-in-command position, but is only given to those with specific backgrounds. Jal’den was trained by the god of war, so he certainly meets the requirements of the post, despite his relatively young age.

There are a few other side characters, but none as noteworthy as these when it comes to Owen’s story.

Serpentus is currently available for preorder and will release February 27, 2024. You can learn more here: SERPENTUS

The Side Characters of Serpentus

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