Character Profile: Ravin

Character Profile: Ravin De’vor

Ravin De’vor. Artwork courtesy of Glint of Mischief.

One of the most powerful mages, Ravin can harness power few others can. He doesn’t make a point of telling people, however; he’d rather hide in plain sight and let his enemies find out what he’s capable of the hard way. He is a strong opponent of the Soulless and their plans for domination of the Five Kingdoms. Dranamir, in particular.

Ravin lands himself in the role of advisor on magical affairs to the young queen of Delucha during the course of the first book. At first he plans to use his position to strengthen himself against the Soulless, but after he learns more about the monarch, he hopes to protect her, too – no matter how juvenile or entitled she appears to be.

Ravin’s role isn’t fully realized until the second book in the series (The Talisman of Delucha), where he features predominately in the story line. I’ve included his surname here even though it isn’t officially mentioned in the series until book three (War of the Nameless).

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