Month: July 2020

Reader Question: How much of your story idea do you have when you start the book, and how much comes to you as you write?

Reader Question: How much of your story idea do you have when you start the book, and how much comes to you as you write? This is a difficult question, but I will try my best to answer it as completely as I am able. When I start writing a book, I typically have an […]

Summer Reading Ideas – Fantasy Series Edition

Summer Reading Ideas – Fantasy Series Edition As many of you know, most of my writing is in the fantasy genre, in particular fantasy series. I have also read a number of fantasy series, and would like to share with you five series that I truly enjoyed as a reader. These aren’t necessarily my “top […]

Reader Question: What are you currently working on?

What are you currently working on? The book giveaway contest I have been running had a very successful week. I asked participants to send me questions, and I had a lot of great responses come in. A couple of days ago I wrote a blog post to answer the first of many such questions (Do […]

Reader Question: Do any of your characters end up different than you originally intended?

Do any of your characters end up different than you originally intended? This week, I had a reader ask me, “Do any of your characters end up different than you originally intended?” My initial response was brief, “Yes, all the time!” I would like to take the opportunity to explain that answer in further detail. […]

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