Month: January 2021

The Writing Habit…

The Writing Habit… I will be the first to admit that I have a (bad?) habit of ignoring things or people when I am focused on my writing. I don’t always realize how all-consuming the storytelling process becomes until someone calls me out on it. This morning was a perfect example. I woke up and […]

Here Be Dragons (A Response to a Reader’s Question)

Here Be Dragons (A Response to a Reader’s Question) I recently received a question from a reader, that asked “If you could choose to summon just one demon (from Hunted) – which one would it be – and why?” My answer was very typically me: A dragon. As I began to think over my answer […]

Tales from the Lab #2: How to Clear a Micro Lab (Part One)

Tales from the Lab #2: How to Clear a Micro Lab (Part One) To preface this particular tale, the reader needs to understand a few things when it comes to microbiology labs. Foremost, the lab is prone to many unpleasant smells; most bacterial cultures stink. The second important item to note is that any microbiologist […]

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