Month: February 2021

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Alexander

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Alexander At the beginning of February, I launched a poll on Facebook to help me determine which character profile to release next from my latest series, The Caein Legacy. The results came back with an overwhelming majority (75%) voting for Alexander (vs. 25% for Colin). Alexander is the primary supporting […]

Character Names in The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles

Character Names in The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles I have often been asked by readers how I come up with the names of characters in my books. Given that I write fantasy, some of my books have some relatively fantastical and unique names, though others feature characters with more average names. Note: […]

Tales from the Lab #3: A Tale of Three Keyboards

Tales from the Lab #3: A Tale of Three Keyboards This month’s installment of Tales from the Lab features a couple of my coworkers from many years ago (names changed for privacy). To preface the story, it’s been a recurring theme throughout my career that chemists innately believe their work areas, lab spaces, computers, etc. […]

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