Year: 2021

Looking Forward to the Rest of April

Looking Forward to the Rest of April I am writing this on a Tuesday (to be posted on Thursday), which is a bit unusual for me. I typically write my blog posts the evening before, or sometimes the day of if I am running late for the week. It’s dependent on my work schedule and […]

Tales from the Lab #5: An April Fools’ Joke

Tales from the Lab #5: An April Fools’ Joke Note: The names of those involved have been changed for privacy. Also, I do not take credit for this prank, but was only present to witness the plotting and hear about the results. I still maintain it was one of the more entertaining (and harmless) pranks […]

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Colin Marsden

Character Profile: Colin Marsden My blog for this week features the latest character profile from The Caein Legacy, Colin Marsden, the primary antagonist of the series. Colin’s character was designed to be one that readers “love to hate”. When I was working on the design for the character artwork, my first rendition was shot down […]

The Science in my Fantasy Writing

The Science in my Fantasy Writing As some of you may have seen, I was invited to do an interview with Boomers on Books for their YouTube channel last weekend. I was approached for the interview last Friday, and we had everything set and scheduled to go live the next day. It did not give […]

Current Projects as of March 2021

Current Projects as of March 2021 It’s been a few months since I last posted an update on what I am currently working on, and I wanted to share a few things this week on the blog. The Mage War Chronicles I recently finished writing the first installment of The Mage War Chronicles, titled The […]

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Alexander

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Alexander At the beginning of February, I launched a poll on Facebook to help me determine which character profile to release next from my latest series, The Caein Legacy. The results came back with an overwhelming majority (75%) voting for Alexander (vs. 25% for Colin). Alexander is the primary supporting […]

Character Names in The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles

Character Names in The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles I have often been asked by readers how I come up with the names of characters in my books. Given that I write fantasy, some of my books have some relatively fantastical and unique names, though others feature characters with more average names. Note: […]

Tales from the Lab #3: A Tale of Three Keyboards

Tales from the Lab #3: A Tale of Three Keyboards This month’s installment of Tales from the Lab features a couple of my coworkers from many years ago (names changed for privacy). To preface the story, it’s been a recurring theme throughout my career that chemists innately believe their work areas, lab spaces, computers, etc. […]

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