Month: March 2022

Reader Question: When you write, do your characters physically “talk” in your head?

Reader Question: When you write, do your characters physically “talk” in your head? To begin with, I posed a question to my private Facebook group earlier in the month: I was expecting responses about characters, upcoming plot lines for the trilogy I’m releasing, and the like. I was not expecting the first question I received. […]

Book Review: The Master of Night by T.M. Kohl

Book Review: The Master of Night by T.M. Kohl Genre(s): Epic Fantasy Content warning: There are mild combat/fight scenes. Picking up where The Lost King left off, Lauren continues her Junta training but requires the guidance of a Master whose specialty is in the same discipline as her own. The queen of Bhrea denies her […]

Book Review: The Lost King by T.M. Kohl

Book Review: The Lost King by T.M. Kohl Genre(s): Epic fantasy Content warning: There are a few combat scenes (but nothing terribly gory/bloody). Lauren was on track to become a nurse, her life seemingly ordinary. On the date of her college graduation ceremony, her life took an unexpected turn when an attack on her city […]

The Emotional Complexity in my Writing

The Emotional Complexity in my Writing As many of you who follow me know, I applied for a Kirkus review back in December for The Moon’s Eye. This was one of the scarier things I’ve done as an author to date – Kirkus is the book review site and what they say about a book […]

Book Review: Kiss Me Deadly by Jessie Thomas

Book Review: Kiss Me Deadly by Jessie Thomas Genre(s): Paranormal fantasy, Urban fantasy Content warning: There are a number of violent/fight scenes in this book and some adult language. Seraphina is the only practicing necromancer in a city plagued by vampires and ghosts that refuse to depart to the afterlife on their own, and her […]

St. Patrick’s Day in Seattle (2009) and Research for Hunted

St. Patrick’s Day in Seattle (2009) and Research for Hunted When I originally conceived the idea for Hunted, I decided to set much of the story in Seattle. One of my best friends had moved there a few years before my first trip there, and she’d explained to me a number of times that the […]

Book Review: The Last of the Atalanteans by P.L. Stuart

Book Review: The Last of the Atalanteans by P.L. Stuart Genre(s): Fantasy Content warning: There are numerous battle scenes in this book that may be disturbing to some. This is the second book in an ongoing series. I read and reviewed book one, A Drowned Kingdom, last year. You can read my review here, as […]

An Excerpt from The Talisman of Delucha

An Excerpt from The Talisman of Delucha This comes from the very first chapter in The Talisman of Delucha, book 2 of The Relics of War. Hope you enjoy! Tavesin narrowed his eyes in concentration as Aziarah launched several magical attacks in his direction. The invisible shield of energy he’d erected withstood the Drakkon mage’s […]

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