Month: July 2022

Book Review: Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair

Book Review: Stalin’s Door by John St. Clair Genre(s): Historical Fiction Content warning: There are several scenes depicting torture or the results of it. Stalin’s Door follows the intertwined stories of three people affected by the ruthless policies of Stalin’s government during the mid- to late-1930s. The secret police, or NKVD, are tasked with monitoring […]

Book Review: Thoughtless by Pat Luther

Book Review: Thoughtless by Pat Luther Genre(s): Science Fiction Content warning: There are a number of fight scenes in this book and references to death/murder. Delokita (Del) is an Enforcer with BeltSec, a security team whose duty is to monitor the asteroid belt and mediate disagreements between various corporations. When she responds to a distress […]

Book Review: Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar

Book Review: Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar Genre(s): Fantasy / Dystopian Content warning: This book contains scenes of violence, abuse, murder, and themes of child labor/slavery and mutilation. Tashué Blackwood is a regulation officer with the Authority, an agency dedicated to the oversight of those deemed “tainted” or “talented”. He believes in the […]

The Talisman of Delucha is now Available!

The Talisman of Delucha is now Available! The Talisman of Delucha officially released on Tuesday!  It’s book 2 in The Relics of War series. A synopsis: Ravin is an anomaly amongst those who use magic. He refuses to join the Council of Auras and tie his fate to the wizards, and long ago escaped a […]

A Little Celebration Post

A Little Celebration Post I’ll get this out of the way first: No, this doesn’t have anything to do with SPFBO8. As of the date this writing, I still haven’t heard anything about my book or how it’s faring in the competition. It hasn’t been eliminated, but that’s all I know. No, I’m celebrating something […]

Book Review: Embers of Fate by Michele Quirke

Book Review: Embers of Fate by Michele Quirke Genre(s): Historical Fantasy / Fantasy Romance Content warning: There are a few scenes that may be disturbing for some readers that feature kidnapping, physical assault, and execution. Elizabeth and Gregory are still in exile and on the run from their father, the king’s, forces as they attempt […]

Book Review: The Matchmaker’s Charm by Jodi Jensen

Book Review: The Matchmaker’s Charm by Jodi Jensen Genre(s): Romance / Time-travel Content warning: There are a number of fairly explicit sex scenes in this book, as well as an abduction/kidnapping. Selina is a Romani with an unusual gift/curse. In order to secure her future with her people and marry the man in her life, […]

Book Review: A Moment in Time by Martin Dukes

Book Review: A Moment in Time by Martin Dukes Genre(s): Young Adult / Science Fantasy / Time-Travel Content warning: There are themes of bullying and death present in this book that may be disturbing to some readers. Fifteen-year-old Alex Trueman is an ordinary boy; he’s an average student, he has hopes and dreams for his […]

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