Month: October 2023

Book Review: Metal by J.F. Lawrence

Book Review: Metal by J.F. Lawrence Genre(s): Science Fiction Book Synopsis: Terrance Mathison, a veteran turned bioengineer, returns from a camping trip to find that a widespread pathogen is quickly rusting important metals once they’re touched. Amid the crumbling downfall of our technological society, he assembles a team of super-nerds and elite soldiers to find […]

Guardian: Things You’ll See and Early Feedback

Guardian: Things You’ll See and Early Feedback I haven’t done a great job of focusing this month. There was so much going on between the character art I commissioned for Wraith and the Revolution, the cover reveal for Serpentus, and me starting the draft of Wrath of the Dragon-kind, that I kind of forgot Guardian […]

Book Review: Sometimes People Die by Simon Stephenson

Book Review: Sometimes People Die by Simon Stephenson Genre(s): Medical Thriller / Crime Drama Book Synopsis: When too many patients die under his watch, a troubled young doctor suspects murder. But are his instincts to be trusted?  Returning to practice after a suspension for stealing opioids, a young doctor takes the only job he can […]

I’m back to writing again…

I’m back to writing again… I posted a few weeks ago that I was in between writing projects. I had a few different pieces that required editing/revisions, and those are now finished. I completed a final editing pass of Harbinger, which I believe is now ready for my proof reader, once she’s finished with her […]

Book Review: The Fall Is All There Is by C.M. Caplan

Book Review: The Fall Is All There Is by C.M. Caplan Genre(s): Science Fantasy Book Synopsis: All Petre Mercy wanted was a good old-fashioned dramatic exit from his life as a prince. But it’s been five years since he fled home on a cyborg horse. Now the King – his Dad – is dead – […]

Book Review: The Living Waters by Dan Fitzgerald

Book Review: The Living Waters by Dan Fitzgerald Genre(s): Fantasy Book Synopsis: Wonder swirls beneath murky water. When two painted-faced nobles take a guided raft trip on a muddy river, they expect to rough it for a few weeks before returning to their life of sheltered ease, but when mysterious swirls start appearing in the […]

In Case You Missed It: Serpentus Cover Reveal!

In Case You Missed It: Serpentus Cover Reveal! Yesterday was a big day for my upcoming standalone novel, Serpentus. I’ve had the cover artwork since August, and I’ve been dying to share it, but I decided to try an official cover reveal for this book to generate interest. A little background on Serpentus: It’s related […]

Book Review: Far Removed by C.B. Lansdell

Book Review: Far Removed by C.B. Lansdell Genre(s): Dystopian Science Fiction Book Synopsis: On the moon of Knyadrea, the sea yields intelligent life. For a species shaped by tides, change is the only constant. Little can be hidden in the glare of a spotlight. Charismatic and innovative, Oklas Sayve has risen to prominence in Apidecca, […]

The Benefits of Writing a Whole Series…Before Publishing Book 1

The Benefits of Writing a Whole Series…Before Publishing Book 1 Now that I’ve done this not once, but (if I count my current series project) three times, I have enough to write an actual blog post about the topic. Many authors write series, and I think a significant proportion of us write the series “as […]

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