A first glimpse of Wraith and the Revolution

A first glimpse of Wraith and the Revolution

While I’m doing my best to really focus on The Caein Legacy for the rest of the summer and into autumn, I decided to share the opening lines to Wraith and the Revolution last weekend on my social media pages.

Why did I decide to deviate from my promo of The Caein Legacy, you ask?

Well… I’m incredibly excited about Wraith and the Revolution and have been since I started writing it well over a year ago. The draft was completed last July, and I’ve done one editing pass so far. Beta feedback has been great, and while I still need to make at least one more pass for edits before this goes to the proofreader, I’m confident this book is pretty close to being ready.

A little background about Wraith and the Revolution:

It’s a standalone science-fiction/space opera with a cast of interesting and unusual characters. The main character and narrator (Kye) is a native of a future Earth. I’ve admittedly painted a very bleak picture of our future home world, and it’s showcased heavily in the first few chapters, but the bulk of the story takes place elsewhere in the galaxy.

Wraith was a ton of fun to write. I’ve also been told by my husband (who gets to read all my stuff very early in the process) that I put more of myself into this book than any of my previous works. Kye shares the same genetic blood condition I do (sickle cell trait), his older sister is very protective of him (as I am with my younger brother), and I know some of my personality bled into Kye as well.

Some of the characters and concepts in this book are ones that have been percolating since the first days I started writing longish stories, way back when I was still in middle school. It was a blast to finally get characters like Sorin and Zinn into a book worthy of publication.

My tentative timeline for sharing more about this book:

I’m planning to share the cover artwork with my newsletter in December, then do a full online cover reveal with a few bloggers in January 2025. The cover art was commissioned from J. Caleb Designs, and I’m very pleased with it. I did the text placement, as I prefer to do.

I’ll begin sharing more about the characters in January too, again with my newsletter first. And I have artwork for the main character and 6 of the primary sides, courtesy of JustMiss Art. I commissioned that artwork in summer 2023, and sitting on it has been difficult.

But I want to do this release right, which means timing everything to build hype.

Since the final book in The Caein Legacy (Legend) doesn’t release until November 26, I am holding off on the bulk of promotions for Wraith until after that date. I learned late last year that I struggle with promoting more than one book at a time, so the timing is also partly to preserve my own sanity.

And now, the thing you’ve all been waiting for:

This is the opening to Wraith and the Revolution, as shared to social media on Saturday (June 15.) The background of this image was taken from a small portion of the back cover artwork.

If you’d like to learn more about this upcoming sci-fi space opera, the full synopsis can be found here: Wraith and the Revolution

A first glimpse of Wraith and the Revolution

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