A new project

A new project

First off, some exciting (for me) news: I finished writing book 5 in The Mage War Chronicles and I decided on a title. It’ll be called Catalyst of the Storm.

I don’t have a page on my website for Catalyst yet, but I have updated the series’ main page to include the title.

So, what am I working on next, you ask?

The logical conclusion would be book 6 in The Mage War Chronicles, Wrath of the Dragon-kind, but I’m not quite ready to go there yet. There is another story that has been invading my thoughts and dreams for years, and I finally have a proper outline for it. A plot. Real character plans. Scary, isn’t it?

This new project doesn’t have a title yet, although I have something in mind. Kind of. I’m not completely happy with the working title, so I’m not willing to share it at this time. It’s almost certainly going to change.

But what I’m most excited for is that this story is the culmination of decades worth of ideas that I rejected or discarded in some way, saving them for “the right project.” Two of the characters were originally part of a story I wrote back in middle school, but I’ve reconfigured them to fit this particular narrative. Others were part of stories I wrote later, but never finished. A couple are brand new.

This is the first time I’ve had a real plan for these characters, but this news comes with a bit of a twist. This story isn’t fantasy. It’s science-fiction.

For those who know me, this leap won’t come as a surprise. I am a scientist outside of writing and I hold a degree in microbiology. The only real surprise is that it’s taken me this long to actually write something in the genre.

Also for those who follow me, you may have noticed I updated my banners, both on my website and social media outlets. I added that “science-fiction” piece, because of this project. And with an outline in hand, I’m pretty confident that this time, the story will actually be finished.

A new project

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