A Week of Fires, Maps, and a Book Release

A Week of Fires, Maps, and a Book Release

It has been quite the eventful week, and not just in terms of my writing projects.

I want to start off with some non-writing news that is important to me. As many of you know, Colorado has had an awful year with wildfires. The Cameron Peak Fire that started in August quickly got out of control a couple weeks ago, and forced many people to evacuate their homes. I had some family that was forced to evacuate, and it was a scary time. Late last week, they were able to return home, which was welcome news. Not every family was as fortunate as mine was; many people lost homes to this fire, and even with the recent snow, some are still threatened. Larimer County has set up a web page for those interested in donating or volunteering to help those recovering from the fires. If you’re interested in helping out, you can find information here.

Now, on to writing stuff…

As most of you know, my latest book, Hunted, officially released last Tuesday. So far, the feedback I have received has been largely positive. It is very different from my previous books, but I think in this case, it is a good thing. I wanted to thank those of you who have taken the time to write reviews after reading Hunted; reviews are incredibly important to any author, especially those who are not well-known. I also wanted to thank everyone who has purchased a copy so far, and would love to hear your thoughts on the story. And thanks again to those who made it to the virtual book launch “party” Friday night!

I commissioned artist Dewi Hargreaves to update the map of The Five Kingdoms, from The Moon’s Eye Trilogy, and it is now visible on my website. He does fantastic work with maps, and he is currently working on a second map for me, which will belong to The Caein Legacy. I’ll be posting that map to my website as well, once it’s complete (it may be a few more weeks, but it is in the works!)

I was interviewed by blogger Julie Tuttle recently as well, and that interview was posted yesterday morning. She asked some fun questions, such as what my favorite comfort food is (home-made mac and cheese), and what sort of super-power would I choose if I had one (Wolverine!). If you’d like to read the full interview, you can find it here.

And back to non-writing stuff…

I’ve been much busier at work lately, and have not had as much time to work on writing or updating my website, but I do intend to post something at least once a week. Though the company I work for is going through another rough patch, there is at least enough to do to keep me busy, and it sounds like more work is coming my way. It’s been a while since I was last able to “play with the bugs” in my lab, and I find myself looking forward to it.

No matter how busy I may get with work, I will always find time to fit in some writing somewhere.

A Week of Fires, Maps, and a Book Release

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