After the Move & “New” Books to Come!

After the Move & “New” Books to Come!

The past month has been a crazy one. We moved to our new place, work was incredibly busy for about three weeks, and we’ve had to make a few immediate updates to the new house before really settling in.

This is the view looking west from our new place (it overlooks the Devil’s Backbone open space area). I got lucky with this photo and managed to capture the lightning strike. This has nothing to do with the rest of the blog, but I love this picture and wanted to share.

In spite of it all, I’ve still been writing, though at a slightly slower pace. I was happy to keep up with my weekly blog schedule and monthly newsletter during this transition, and I have continued to make progress on the rewrite of The Moon’s Eye.

Speaking of which, I’m excited to share the fact that I’ve found an excellent cover artist for the trilogy. He has been working on initial sketches, and what I’ve seen so far looks amazing. I shared a character portrait of Vardak (from a different artist) a few weeks ago, but he’s going to be featured on the covers of The Moon’s Eye and War of the Nameless.

For those eager to see sneak peeks of the artwork, content, etc, I encourage you to sign up to my newsletter. I will be sharing the cover reveals to my subscribers first – and I just might have one ready for September. Likewise, I have a reader group on Facebook that will get to enjoy some early content as well. August’s newsletter will feature a character spotlight from the series (Aran’daj, the Murkor commander). The spotlight will include another fantastic character portrait.

  • Sign up to the newsletter here. (Check your email after signing up, because there will be a confirmation sent to you before it’s finalized. I wanted to stress the confirmation email, because I’ve had a number of people tell me they’ve signed up, but they never confirm, which means no sign up!)
  • Join the Facebook reader’s group, Book Dragons & Novel Fiends, here. (There is a short questionnaire in order to join the group, mostly to weed out bots and trolls, but if you’re reading this, you should have no trouble joining).

As of August 16, I am working on chapter 30 of 45 on the rewrite of The Moon’s Eye. I have one more chapter to complete before the first big battle starts, and that alone encompasses a big chunk of the final chapters. Once I get to that point, the writing should go much quicker, because as those who know me best will tell you, I love writing battle scenes! I am hoping to have the draft complete in September, and then to beta readers and my editor a couple weeks after that. Around that time, I’ll set a release date, so watch for that news this fall.

I also plan to do some giveaways as we near the release date, particularly for those who kindly (and perhaps, unfortunately) purchased copies of the original versions of the series. The giveaways will occur on social media (Twitter and Facebook) and via my newsletter, so if you’re interested in some free stuff themed for the relaunch, watch my pages for details, or sign up to the newsletter (link above).

I’ll be releasing some more general info posts about the series to my blog in the near future, as well. Look for a post about the pantheon of gods in The Relics of War sometime in September. I plan to write a post about the various mages/wizards in the series, probably in October, since the order of character bios will feature Tavesin and Dranamir around that time (both wielders of magic, yet from different factions).

I hope this early info helps generate some interest in the series relaunch, and please share this with friends you feel may be interested in my work! I am trying to get my name out there, but without the help and support of friends, family, and fans, it’s incredibly difficult. Help me spread the word about my books and I will be eternally grateful!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great week. (Next week’s blog will feature book reviews!)

I will leave you with a picture of Magic, who no longer fears the new house, but think she owns it and everything inside.

Magic, the real owner of our new house.
After the Move & “New” Books to Come!

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