Book Review: The Reanimator’s Heart by Kara Jorgensen

Book Review: The Reanimator’s Heart by Kara Jorgensen Genre(s): Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Fantasy Book Synopsis: A reluctant necromancer, a man killed before his time, and the crime that brings them together. Felipe Galvan’s life as an investigator for the Paranormal Society has been spent running into danger. Returning home from his latest case, Felipe […]

Book Review: The Tidelings of Dras Sayve by C.B. Lansdell

Book Review: The Tidelings of Dras Sayve by C.B. Lansdell Genre(s): Science Fiction Book Synopsis: Maverick diplomat Emis Rindar travels to the northernmost clan in the Dras Channel, seeking the assistance of an old friend. After a lifetime of adventures across Knyadrea, a large moon, his next planned endeavour will be unlike anything he has […]

Book Review: Eve by Mark Jonathan Runte

Book Review: Eve by Mark Jonathan Runte Genre(s): Urban Fantasy Book Synopsis: They’ve spent their lives looking over their shoulders – knowing their parents’ pasts and fearing a return to their birthplace until they lost the youngest of their sisters a year ago. One night shatters that tentative peace and sets Phoenix on edge, distracting […]

All of my Main Characters

All of my Main Characters I was bored recently and decided to make a list of every main character that has appeared in my published and to-be published books. This was a “just for fun” exercise, but maybe you’ll find it interesting too. So here they are, in alphabetical order: Andrew Caein Books: Exile, Guardian, […]

Book Review: The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang

Book Review: The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang Genre(s): Epic Fantasy Book Synopsis: On a mountainside at the edge of the Kaigenese Empire live the most powerful warriors in the world, superhumans capable of raising the sea and wielding blades of ice. For hundreds of years, the fighters of the Kusanagi Peninsula have held […]

A few early reviews of Harbinger are in…

A few early reviews of Harbinger are in… No, I’m not going to copy/paste the reviews here, but I wanted to talk about a few things that have been mentioned regarding the third book in The Caein Legacy. They’re all positive things, and some came as a surprise to me, so I thought them worthy […]

Book Review: Motherland by Mark Jonathan Runte

Book Review: Motherland by Mark Jonathan Runte Genre(s): Urban Fantasy Book Synopsis: Kseniya and Semyon only ever knew loyalty to their country, until the death of a policeman forced them to run, raising their children as refugees and then as English. But their pasts were never far behind them, nor was caution for being what […]

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