Book Review: Fallen Legacy by Wil Chan

Book Review: Fallen Legacy by Wil Chan

Genre(s): Epic Fantasy / Heroic Fantasy

Book Synopsis:

Love. Loss. Obsession.
What difference can a day make?

After their night together, life couldn’t be rosier for Elysia and Isabella. The next day, they finally reach the Astorian Palace – and safety. Little do they know, but Elysia will be forced to face her sternest test to date.

While she is introduced to King Corwen and Queen Callista in a procession at the Royal Court, she sees something that may destabilise the monarchy. Before she can act, the dominoes fall over all at once. Accused, arrested, and silenced with poison that was supposed to kill her, the Azurian is left fighting for her life…

In the past timeline, a young Elysia arrives at the Borderlands after being inducted into the military. She loses one of her closest friends to a sneak attack before wreaking havoc in the heat of her maiden battle. With everyone on tenterhooks, what dangers will be awaiting Elysia and her friends in Northwind?


Fallen Legacy is just as action-packed as its predecessors in the series and an intriguing continuation of the storyline. It definitely left me with a few unanswered questions too.

Elysia and Isabella have finally made it to Astoria, but all is not as it seems in the kingdom’s capital. Elysa finds herself accused of crimes, is arrested, and is then sentenced to fight in the city’s arena as part of the gladiatorial games. If she survives, she might be granted her freedom, but it’s not a guarantee.

There are new adversaries in this book. I knew from the onset there was something off about them, but I didn’t know exactly what. The what was a little surprising once it was revealed, and I think Elysia will be in for more battles in future books.

Speaking of battles, one of the highlights of this series is the numerous (and varied) combat scenes. There are plenty of them, all unique in their own way. Elysia battles hostile humans, giant fire-breathing lizards, a troll, and more. And in the past time line, there were several large-scale skirmishes she was involved in. It was a lot of fun.

While there was some further development in the relationship between Elysia and Isabella, it wasn’t the focus for most of the book (Elysia was busy trying to get herself out of the latest predicament for the bulk of the story, and Isabella was elsewhere…though she was present now and then.) I’m still not entirely sure where their relationship is going, and I’m almost positive Isabella is keeping secrets about who/what she is. I suppose we’ll learn more about that later.

As far as sequels go, this was a good one.

Author website:

Amazon link: Fallen Legacy

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Book Review: Fallen Legacy by Wil Chan

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