The Talisman of Delucha
The Relics of War: Book Two
Ravin is an anomaly amongst those who use magic. He refuses to join the Council of Auras and tie his fate to the wizards, and long ago escaped a terrible fate amongst the Enlightened, called the Shadow Council by some. His escape gave him freedom few others with his power enjoy, and he means to keep it, no matter the cost.
Serving as an advisor to the Deluchan queen, Ravin learns a powerful relic is kept deep within the catacombs below the palace. War is on Delucha’s doorstep, brought about by none other than the council he fled from and their Soulless leaders. He resolves to retrieve the relic in order to combat the imminent threat, but collecting the Talisman of Delucha is not without its own danger.
As the Soulless’ army prepares to besiege the Deluchan capitol, Ravin makes one final, desperate attempt to secure the Talisman. The kingdom’s survival depends on his success, but time is not on his side.
ebook editions ($5.99)

Hardcover edition ($26.99)

Paperback editions ($15.99)

Signed copies are available for purchase at my Ko-Fi Shop
This book is available for request on Overdrive.

Editorial Reviews:
“The Talisman of Delucha truly delivers the EPIC in epic fantasy.” – Escapist Book Co.
“Calvin’s prose continues to be strong, and her battle scenes are well-crafted and intense… This series is shaping up to be one with a classic fantasy feel, well-paced, well-written, with very good character work, and quite enjoyable to read.” – Before We Go Blog
“This is a wonderfully compelling book. Calvin’s prose is fantastic, and her battle scenes and emotional moments are both beautifully crafted and capture the different intensities.” – Beneath a Thousand Skies Blog
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