The Caein Legacy

The Caein Legacy

Exile (Book 1)
Guardian (Book 2)
Harbinger (Book 3)
Legend (Book 4)
  • Condemned (short story; takes place mid-way through Exile)
  • Sovereign Desire (short story; takes place during Guardian)

Andrew and Alexander both harbor secrets that, if exposed, would land them in line for the headsman’s axe. The kingdom’s laws regarding both magi and dragon-kind have rarely been enforced, but when the new king ascends the throne, the lax policy quickly begins to change. The king is uncompromising in the enforcement of the laws, even when those affected are blood relatives—his brother, Alexander, and his half-brother, Andrew.

When Alexander’s secret is revealed, Andrew must find a means to save him. The only option he is left with is making his own secret—that he is half-dragon—known to the world. When the kingdom learns the truth of their origins, the brothers are forced to flee. Their exile sparks a war, as others like them begin to fight for their right to exist.

Character Profiles

Andrew Caein
Alexander Marsden
Colin Marsden
Claire Ellington
Thomas Marsden

Glossary of Characters

Artwork Acknowledgments:

Cover artwork for the series was illustrated by Jamie Noble (Website) (Twitter) (Instagram) (Facebook)

Map design by Dewi Hargreaves (Website) (Twitter)

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