Character Profile: Thomas Marsden

Thomas is the youngest son of the Novanian King, and as such never had aspirations for the throne. He trained as a scholar and a scribe, and has a keen intelligence that shines through once he overcomes his initial anxiety when meeting new people. Though Thomas knows the intricacies of Novanian law better than nearly anyone else, he distances himself from politics as much as he is able.

Thomas. (Illustration by CB Lansdell)

When circumstance pits his three elder brothers against one another, Thomas initially attempts to maintain a diplomatic and neutral stance. It is only after Colin sentences Alexander to execution that Thomas is prompted into action, believing that in this case, what is right goes against the written law.

Though Thomas has little experience with confrontation, he risks his own life and reputation to do all he can to save Alexander. It is Thomas who warns Andrew of their brother’s plight, and it is Thomas who assists Andrew in his scheme to thwart Colin’s plan.

Read an excerpt from Exile here to learn more about the mission to save Alexander’s life.

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