The Mage War Chronicles

The Mage War Chronicles

It is a time of great turmoil in the Southlands. The Triad is in disarray and other magical factions begin to appear in opposition to the long-standing order that has governed the magical society. When magi go to war against one another, the land falls into chaos. Even those who strive for neutrality, such as the Dragon-kind, are forced into the conflict. Magi who were once friends, neighbors, and family become embroiled in a war where every side seeks to gain control, but all will pay a heavy price to achieve it. There are no winners when the stakes are so high.

This is a series of stand-alone fantasy books that relate to one another, but each follows a different main character. The stories are set in the same world as The Caein Legacy, but approximately 1000 years before the events that take place in the other series. As the name of the series suggests, each book relates to the events surrounding The Mage War.

The books in The Mage War Chronicles are (in written order):

For those who seek to read in chronological order, here’s the sequence:

Glossary of Characters

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