A.J. Calvin

Author of Hunted, The Relics of War, The Caein Legacy, & The Mage War Chronicles

Catalyst of the Storm

The Mage War Chronicles: Book Five


The currency in the Citadel is politics, particularly those involving the powerful group of magi known as the Triad. Drake Keller loathes politics and doesn’t trust the Triad, but he’s mired in their games due to a promise he will never break. He has vowed to protect the Sevanni mage, Seren do’Vox, who is stranded on land, and the Triad covets Seren’s power.

When two of the Triad’s members are murdered, a summons is sent to Seren from the institution’s last remaining member. Sensing a trap, Drake boldly goes in his friend’s stead, only to find himself inexplicably bound to the Triad and it’s convoluted schemes.

He has spared Seren from a twisted fate, but now must face it himself. And with the volatility of the Oracle’s nearby camp stoking unrest amongst the Citadel’s magi, Drake is in over his head. He must learn to navigate the city’s twisted politics, broker peace between factions, and avoid the social pitfalls that will earn him disfavor, or his promise to Seren will be for naught.

The trouble is, Drake is a mage-warrior, not a diplomat or a politician. And he doesn’t agree with the Triad’s grand schemes.

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