Character Profile: Colin Marsden

My blog for this week features the latest character profile from The Caein Legacy, Colin Marsden, the primary antagonist of the series. Colin’s character was designed to be one that readers “love to hate”.

When I was working on the design for the character artwork, my first rendition was shot down by one of my early readers because the expression on his face did not convey the sort of person he is. (I believe the exact words were, “He doesn’t look ‘douchey’ enough.”) So I tweaked the artwork a bit and got something that more or less gives you an idea of his personality at a glance. It was approved by the aforementioned reader as an accurate portrayal.

Without further explanation, here is the official character profile of Colin Marsden as posted to my website:

Though he is the eldest son of the Novanian King, Colin Marsden is not informed he is heir to the throne until he is thirty years old. He had grown up believing his older half-brother, Andrew, would be named heir, unaware that Andrew was ineligible. When matters of succession come to the forefront of Novanian politics and Colin is named, he is at first stunned, but then proceeds to take every available opportunity to gloat over his newfound role.

Colin had long believed he stood in the shadow of Andrew; his elder half-brother was a soldier of some renown, and later became the commander of the King’s armies. Colin had never been a match for Andrew when it came to strength or matters of strategy, but he was cunning enough to understand that Andrew would follow the letter of the law set down by the King. It was simply a matter of time before Colin would assume the throne, and he intended to make an example of anyone who dared oppose him.

Even before Colin is named heir to the throne, he had gained a reputation for being ill-tempered and rude. Later in The Caein Legacy, he is called “merciless”, “heartless”, and “unyielding”. He is not well-liked by his own people, and even less so by those with the unfortunate position of being close to him. With the resources of Novania at his disposal, he sets about on a campaign to eradicate not only those who attempt to oppose his tyranny, but anyone bearing the Mark of the Magi as well.

Not a man to be crossed, Colin is single-minded in his desire to rid his Kingdom of those he deems “undesirable”. Those with the Mark flee when they are able, or are captured and made example of via public execution—even those of his own kin.

Read an excerpt from Exile here to learn more about Colin’s obsession with the destruction of the would-be magi.

Newsletter News

In other news, I’m about to release my first quarterly newsletter on Saturday (March 27). It will highlight some of the events that I’ve had over the past couple of months, as well as some of the writing projects I’ve been working on. The newsletter will not be posted to social media, and from time to time might contain some special sections that won’t be shared elsewhere. It’s designed to go straight to your email, so you can read at your leisure.

If you’re interested in subscribing you can do so here.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and I hope you’ve enjoyed this latest character profile from The Caein Legacy!

The Caein Legacy, Character Profile: Colin Marsden

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Character Profile: Colin Marsden

Though he is the eldest son of the Novanian King, Colin Marsden is not informed he is heir to the throne until he is thirty years old. He had grown up believing his older half-brother, Andrew, would be named heir, unaware that Andrew was ineligible. When matters of succession come to the forefront of Novanian politics and Colin is named, he is at first stunned, but then proceeds to take every available opportunity to gloat over his newfound role.

Colin (Illustration by CB Lansdell)

Colin had long believed he stood in the shadow of Andrew; his elder half-brother was a soldier of some renown, and later became the commander of the King’s armies. Colin had never been a match for Andrew when it came to strength or matters of strategy, but he was cunning enough to understand that Andrew would follow the letter of the law set down by the King. It was simply a matter of time before Colin would assume the throne, and he intended to make an example of anyone who dared oppose him.

Even before Colin is named heir to the throne, he had gained a reputation for being ill-tempered and rude. Later in The Caein Legacy, he is called “merciless”, “heartless”, and “unyielding”. He is not well-liked by his own people, and even less so by those with the unfortunate position of being close to him. With the resources of Novania at his disposal, he sets about on a campaign to eradicate not only those who attempt to oppose his tyranny, but anyone bearing the Mark of the Magi as well.

Not a man to be crossed, Colin is single-minded in his desire to rid his Kingdom of those he deems “undesirable”. Those with the Mark flee when they are able, or are captured and made example of via public execution—even those of his own kin.

Read an excerpt from Exile here to learn more about Colin’s obsession with the destruction of the would-be magi.

Character Profile: Colin Marsden
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