Current Projects as of March 2021

Current Projects as of March 2021

It’s been a few months since I last posted an update on what I am currently working on, and I wanted to share a few things this week on the blog.

The Mage War Chronicles

I recently finished writing the first installment of The Mage War Chronicles, titled The Triad Murders. This was a fun project for me; it combines the fantasy elements inherent in much of my writing, with a bit of a murder/mystery plot. The Triad Murders tells the story of how the Mage Wars begins (this is an event that is referenced in passing a few times during The Caein Legacy).

I updated my works in project page a couple of weeks ago with the following summary:

Tynan Locke is a mage with the talent of discerning whether a person is truthful, or speaking lies, but he has primarily used his skill to rake in winnings at the gambling tables. When he witnesses the murder of a prominent mage, who is also a member of the Triad, he is forced to work with an old nemesis and captain of the Citadel guard to uncover the perpetrator of the crime. When a dragon-mage and another member of the Triad also wind up dead, Locke is forced to use his innate ability to assist with all three investigations, at the behest of not only the Citadel guard, but his long-time friend and half-dragon, Dantellion Fohn.

Most suspect the strange woman who calls herself “Oracle” is responsible for the murders. Rumors abound that the Oracle can see the future, and hundreds of magi have allied themselves with her cause. As the investigation progresses, it becomes clear that the Oracle has much more in mind than simply viewing the future for those who believe in her ability, and the magi of the Citadel are forced to choose sides, allying themselves either with her, or the tattered remains of the Triad.

Will Locke uncover the truth behind the murders in time, or will he become a victim when the magi finally descend into war?

I am currently writing the second installment of The Mage War Chronicles, tentatively titled “Oracle”. The events of this story happen concurrently with those of The Triad Murders, but follows the story of the Oracle and how she came to power. I am not far into writing this story yet, but I have the general plot outlined and the first four chapters have been drafted.

The Caein Legacy

I am still submitting queries for the series, and still awaiting responses. Meanwhile, I have been adding a few pages to the website in anticipation of things to come that feature character profiles. So far, I have added profiles for two of the main characters:

Later this month, I will add a character profile for Colin Marsden, the primary antagonist of the series.



Beginning today and running through April 9, Hunted is being featured on StoryOrigin as part of a New Author Showcase. The entire first chapter is available to read through StoryOrigin free of charge.

For those new to StoryOrigin, you can access it via their website, or through a smart phone app. It is free to use, and requires only a valid email address to sign up. There are a number of authors who use StoryOrigin to showcase short stories, poetry, and sometimes entire novels for free. If you’re looking for some new reads, you might find some there!

Upcoming Quarterly Newsletter

I will be starting to send out a quarterly newsletter starting at the end of this month. I plan to have a few items in the newsletter that will not be featured on the blog. If you’d like to sign up to the newsletter, you can do so via Facebook, or through the form in the left menu bar of my website. It will go straight to your inbox once it is sent.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my posts! Have a great Friday and weekend (and for those of you in Colorado, like me, be safe during snowpocalypse 2021).

Current Projects as of March 2021

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