Giving Thanks in 2020

Giving Thanks in 2020

It has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote a post, but I decided to take a bit of time off after the book launch of Hunted in October to work on some other projects. The three months leading up to the launch were incredibly busy for me, in terms of writing and marketing, and sometimes I find myself in need of some time away from the online world to recover after so much activity.

Today is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., and though I know 2020 has been difficult for many people, I find myself grateful for a number of things. Foremost, I’m glad to say that most of my family and friends have been safe this year, in spite of the pandemic. Some have come down with the dreaded virus but all have successfully recovered. That’s worth being thankful for.

The lockdowns, while inconvenient, actually provided me with an opportunity to do much more with my writing than I would have otherwise. Since March, I was able to complete the writing of books 2, 3, and 4 of the Caein Legacy (Guardian, Harbinger, and Legend, if you’re looking for titles). I have also had enough time to submit the first book in that series to multiple literary agents, and while I am still waiting to hear back from many of them, I’m hopeful that something will come of those submissions soon.

I recently had a map commissioned for the series as well; if you have not had the chance to look at it yet, a larger version is posted on my website. The map includes a few locations that are mentioned in my current work in progress, which is set in the same world but about 1,000 years before the events that occur in the Caein Legacy. I have posted a bit of information about the related series (The Mage War Chronicles) to my site as well. This is yet another project that would likely not have been started by this point in time without the shutdowns that occurred this year.

This year has also given me the opportunity to publish Hunted, which I don’t believe would have happened if I had not spent so much time at home. The initial reviews for that book have been largely positive, which has been a thrill for me to see and read. If you do happen to read my book and enjoy it, please let me know! (I am not asking for official reviews, though they do help, but even a brief message or email is welcome). I am thankful for each copy of this book that I have sold, and grateful for the reviews and feedback I have received so far.

On a typical year, I would be fortunate to complete the writing of one book, let alone writing 2 1/2, and the major revision of another. Even though it has been difficult to remain apart from family so much, and to be forced to work from home, there has been a silver lining to 2020 for me. And I am thankful to have had the opportunity to do so much with my writing.

I hope this Thanksgiving finds everyone well, and I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your continued support as I move forward with my writing. Happy Thanksgiving!

Giving Thanks in 2020

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