Harbinger is now available!

Harbinger is now available!

Harbinger is the highly anticipated third book in The Caein Legacy series, which will conclude in about 6 months with the release of Legend. And Harbinger is officially available!

From one early reviewer:

“A heart racing penultimate novel which delivers the action and bloody battle scenes just hinted at in book one… Longtime fans of John Gwynne will love where the story is heading.”

– Under the Radar SFF Books

About Harbinger:


The Novanian king has gathered an army in the north with the intent to make war upon the magi. He has exiled all three of his brothers. Andrew and Alexander fled to the Southlands, while Thomas escaped into the hostile northern highlands, the land of Novania’s ancient foe, the insectile Corodan. While Alexander prepares to face Colin’s army in the south, Andrew makes the perilous journey through Novania to seek Thomas’ whereabouts and offer what aid he can.

Traveling at his side is Rynn, a powerful mage with the ability to manipulate and form ice. When they fail to locate Thomas after days of searching, Andrew is forced to seek the aid of the Corodan. He has a long and bloody history with their people, and was responsible for the death of their previous Hive-queen. Uncertain if the Corodan will cooperate, but faced with no other hope of locating his brother, he ventures into the heart of the Corodan lands.

Without Thomas, the brothers have no hope of overthrowing Colin and his tyranny. Without Thomas, Novania will continue to execute innocent citizens simply for bearing the Mark of the Magi. Without Thomas, the kingdom will be lost.

Harbinger is available at most major retailers. Click here to learn more.

Harbinger is now available!

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