Hunted: About the Hunters

Hunted: About the Hunters

This post goes hand-in-hand with the one published on August 17, 2020 regarding my upcoming novel, Hunted (look for it later this fall). This is a brief explanation about the faction calling themselves the hunters, and some of the characters the reader will encounter in the book.

Who are the hunters?

The hunters are a loosely-organized group committed to hunting summoners and the demons they are able to control. Most hunters possess the ability to track demons that appear in their area, though there are a few with the ability to track the summoners themselves. There are rare hunters known as Stone-readers, who are capable of seeing events that occurred in the past through the eyes of their fellow hunters.

Most hunters believe they are fulfilling a righteous obligation to eliminate the perceived threat the summoners and their demons represent. They often will strike their targets without warning, and will not stop to discuss the situation. In the words of summoner Te’chok, “They will shoot first and ask questions later—if they even come to think of questions in the first place.” Because of this position, the summoners have attempted to avoid dealings with hunters for centuries, and often will leave the area if hunters arrive.

The hunters typically operate in small groups of less than ten, and will take up residence in larger metropolitan areas, particularly those where the Order is known to have dealings. If a hunter is responsible for killing a summoner or one of their demons, the event is often celebrated. A hunter’s renown is based upon their successes in defeating the members of the Order, regardless of the summoner’s rank within the Order. In the eyes of the hunters, all summoners must be destroyed.

Notable Hunters Featured in Hunted

Xandra Gray – Chandra’s twin sister, who has the ability to track demons.

Thaddeus Taylor – a Stone-reader, and leader of the Seattle-based group of hunters.

Dirk Musgrave – capable of tracking summoners.

Jack and Aria Swift – a married couple who both possess the ability to track demons.

Father Thomas Moresby – a Catholic priest who assists the hunters of Seattle, but who keeps his dealings with them secret from his colleagues in the clergy.

Hunted: About the Hunters

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