Hunted: The Trackers

Hunted: The Trackers

The following post details some information from my upcoming novel, Hunted. This explains a bit more about the trackers, their role within the Order, and some of the characters the reader will encounter while following the story. This is the third post in the series; see Regarding Summoners and About the Hunters for more details.

Hunted is set to be released on October 20, 2020!

Who are the trackers?

The trackers typically have the ability to sense hunters in the nearby area, and are often employed by summoners. While most trackers double as body guards for their assigned summoner, some take on more administrative roles to assist with the day to day workings of the Order.

Some summoners hire people to assist them who do not have the sensing ability, and these usually work strictly as defenders and protectors of the Order. Most summoners employ at least two trackers at all times.

Without the assistance of the trackers, the Order would not function as smoothly as it does. When important events within the Order are scheduled, every tracker is invited to attend. Though they are employees of the Order, they are treated as equals to the summoners. Most trackers become very loyal to their employers, and will go above and beyond to ensure their protection.

Notable Trackers Featured in Hunted:

Trey & Carmine – Both trackers work for summoner Il’zaks. While Trey is down-to-earth and seemingly friendly, Carmine is brash, opinionated, and often difficult to work with.

Carlos – Employed by summoner Ke’tai and considered one of Ke’tai’s closest friends.

Marek, Levi & Konrad – All three work for summoner Ji’anne, though Marek was her first tracker and remains her primary. Marek takes his role very seriously, while Levi and Konrad have a tendency to joke with one another. In spite of this, both are quite capable in their roles and would do everything in their power to protect Ji’anne.

Jake, Miranda & Aaron – All three work for summoner Zy’driks. Jake is the only one of the three who is truly a tracker; Aaron is employed strictly as a body guard and has no sensing ability, while Miranda has the ability to track summoners. Her ability is used most often to recruit for the Order.

Vance & Kendrick – Both work for summoner Xen’din. Vance has the rare ability to track Stone-readers, and plays a crucial role in locating consolidated groups of hunters. Kendrick is viewed as an annoyance by most of those he works with, though he is unafraid to place himself in harm’s way if it ensures the safety of Xen’din.

Adele – The primary tracker employed by summoner Te’chok. Adele is responsible for handling much of the Order’s day-to-day financial operations, and oversees lodging at the headquarters.

Hunted: The Trackers

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