Hunted: Two Months In

Hunted: Two Months In

It has been almost two months since Hunted was released, and I have had some great feedback on the book which I wanted to share with you all.

Hunted by A.J. Calvin

I think my favorite response so far came over the past weekend, when one of my good friends called me. Before I could say anything more than, “Hi,” she said, “It’s all your fault!” At first, I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, but I quickly learned that she had been up late into the night reading my book. She finished it the following day, and then proceeded to call me. Without giving away any spoilers, she was upset with a certain event that takes place in Hunted. I had been hoping to elicit an emotional response in the reader and upset/angry at me as the author for writing in what I did was exactly what I had been striving for. (Yes, I am one of those authors…) She did go on to tell me she truly enjoyed the book and that it was well done. I’ll call that a success!

The handful of online reviews that I’ve received have been (mostly) positive. Here are a few of the reviews that I can share:

  • “I loved this book. The urban fantasy genre is definitely my thing and this book did not disappoint.” – Goodreads review
  • “Overall this was a very entertaining story that I think fans of urban fantasy (or even dark fantasy) will enjoy.” – Amazon review
  • “Very good read. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. Great story line, wonderful characters, has it all – action, romance, family, everything you want in a good story. Each new chapter leaves you wanting more and more. I couldn’t finish it fast enough.” – Goodreads review

The two main questions I’ve received since the book launched have been “Will there be a sequel?” and “How do I get a signed copy?”

The answer to the second question is simple enough: contact me through either Facebook or Twitter and we can arrange something. I’m willing to have readers send me their paperback copies in the mail and sign it for you, or alternatively, I do have a few copies on hand that I will sign and send to you (I will send my copies after payment details have been arranged; the paperback retails for $15.99).

As for the question regarding a sequel, I’ve toyed with the idea for many years, but haven’t officially started anything yet. My writing is currently focused on queries for The Caein Legacy, while I work on writing The Mage War Chronicles. There may be a sequel written to Hunted in the future, but I have no immediate plans for writing one.

Hunted is available in both ebook and paperback formats from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Play and Apple Books.

Hunted: Two Months In

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