Just a little update

Just a little update

I’m writing this post a couple weeks in advance of its publication date, just because I don’t know how well I’ll actually be feeling on the morning it’s set to go live. (And me being as stubborn as I am, I will have a post go live every Thursday, because that’s what I said I’d do.)

I’ve been trying to face this bravely, but I’ll be honest: I’m a little terrified. If you’re reading this, my surgery would have been yesterday. I’ve been mandated by the doctor to take 6 weeks off work to facilitate recovery. If all went well, I should be somewhat back to my usual self in a couple weeks, though they’ve warned me I’ll be easily tired and I’m not supposed to lift anything more than 10 pounds. I also can’t swim or do yoga (my go-to exercises) until I’m cleared by the doctor.

It’s a routine surgery. They do this all the time. But I’m scared.

I’ve never been under heavy anesthesia, and I certainly never imagined I’d need abdominal surgery at this stage of my life. It doesn’t help that I’m a microbiologist, either; I’m very much aware of every common hospital-acquired infection and what it can potentially do to me. And being abdominal, well… There are a lot of microbes to be concerned about.

But I keep telling myself everything will be okay. I’ve met with the surgeon a few times and she performs this procedure weekly. Everything is pointing toward my recovery going by without a hitch. I hope that’s the case.

I will probably update my social media pages before I post anything more about this to my blog, so if you don’t already follow me somewhere and you’d like to know how I really am, here are the various links:

And if for some reason I’m unable to update things myself, I’ll ask my husband to do it. Here’s hoping for a quick recovery, some downtime in which to relax and read–and as always, I’ll probably be writing.

Just a little update

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