Just a Quick Update

Just a Quick Update (And a Photo of my Cat)

As many of you who follow me online know, we’ve been moving this week. We started a big project at work, as well, and I haven’t had much time to get words onto paper the past few days. I wanted to post a blog this week, anyway, but there’s your reason for it being a shorter one. I am busy – but it’s all for good reason.

First up, we’re loving the new house. The cat isn’t so sure about it (yet), but I’m confident that given time, she’ll adjust and own the place just as she did the old one.

Magic (The cat in question. Photo taken from the old house)

Here’s a brief status update on The Relics of War rewrite:

  • I’ve passed the halfway mark with rewriting book 1 (The Moon’s Eye). I’m on track to get this to beta readers in August, and hopefully to my editor, as well.
  • I have an artist working on character portraits for the six major characters, and the drafts are looking amazing. I can’t wait to share!
  • I have a cover artist selected for the three books, and I’m hoping to have artwork for book one by October.
  • I do not yet have a date for the rerelease. It’s coming, and I’ll share it everywhere once I have that set. The other points need to be addressed first, but I’m getting there.
  • I’ll be looking for ARC readers once some of the above items are finished. If you have questions about what this is, or how the process will work, feel free to contact me. I’m happy to answer your questions (but please be patient and give me a few days to respond, since I have a lot going on at the moment).

Next week, I’ll be posting my book review blog for the month. I somehow managed to read four books during July, in spite of everything else. Yay!

And lastly, my next newsletter will drop on July 31. Subscribers will get the first peek at the character artwork I mentioned above.

Hopefully by August, I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled content. Keep checking back for more updates on The Relics of War, and please help me spread the news about the relaunch!

Thanks for reading. Until next time…

Just a Quick Update

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