Just when you thought The Relics of War was over…

Just when you thought The Relics of War was over…

So, I mentioned I was working on a secret project related to The Relics of War a couple weeks ago. And I may have mentioned it a few times on Twitter.

Yes, the trilogy is complete, but I’m not finished with that world yet.

I’m currently writing a standalone that runs parallel to the trilogy. I’ve had a title in mind for months, but I didn’t want to share it too early. The trilogy needed to be fully released first, and I try to do one thing at a time when it comes to announcements. (If you happened to read my post about the “method” to my madness, my brain can be a pretty chaotic place. I try to minimize that here, but I’m not sure how successful I’ve been, haha.)

The main character of this project (who also happens to be the book’s narrator), was introduced toward the end of War of the Nameless. Yes, it’s written in first-person. It’s been a while since I’ve had a project in that format, and I’ve missed it.

I also stalled a bit with releasing the title as I needed to be 100% absolutely sure that I was going to like this idea once I got into it. And by that, I mean I needed to write the first 150+ pages and see if I still believed in the premise and if I still liked the main character. I do on both counts, so it’s moving forward.

Anyway, without further stalling, the title is…


If you’ve read the trilogy to it’s completion, you’ll get it. If not, more information will be released as I go, so bear with me. I haven’t written the back cover blurb yet, and have yet to commission cover artwork. Both of those things will happen after I’ve finished the first draft.

Now you know the big “secret.”

Just when you thought The Relics of War was over…

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