Looking Forward to the Rest of April

Looking Forward to the Rest of April

I am writing this on a Tuesday (to be posted on Thursday), which is a bit unusual for me. I typically write my blog posts the evening before, or sometimes the day of if I am running late for the week. It’s dependent on my work schedule and how busy my Wednesday happens to be. I’ve been trying to plan out what I will be posting ahead of time, which makes it a bit easier to put together.

I’m sitting in my sunroom, though the sun is not shining, watching the year’s first real rain storm pummel the street outside. I’m trying to think of what I should post for this week, and I’m coming up short. I have the rest of April planned out, but am struggling with a topic for this week. My thoughts are elsewhere right now.

I’m excited for next week’s blog, which is a bit of a “reveal” for a new segment I’ll be writing periodically. It will feature on my blog occasionally, but the first big piece will be part of June’s newsletter (sign up here!). I have been working on the draft of that piece already, as well as putting together some artwork to go with it. I use Adobe Illustrator for much of the artwork you see around my website (unless I have credited it to someone else, all of the character artwork and logo designs are my own). The artwork for this new segment has been a blast to create, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I am so far.

April 22 will be another character profile from The Caein Legacy. I’ve decided to profile Lady Claire next, since my first three were all male characters. I have one reader who will be disappointed by this news, since he very much wanted me to release Thomas’ profile next. (Don’t worry, Thomas will be in May). I feel that in terms of the first book, Exile, Claire’s role was a bit more prominent than Thomas’, even though Thomas does come to the forefront in the final two books.

The last week of April, I plan to release a list of books that I have read for #IndieApril. My goal is to read as many independently-published books as I can during this month. So far, I’ve already read two and have started on a third. I’m not sure how many I will actually get through during the month, as work will be picking up in the next week, but I’m going to read as many as I can.

I’m writing and scheduling my post early this week, because I finally managed to get a time slot for a vaccination, and that’s for Thursday afternoon. Fortunately for me, WordPress allows me to write posts and schedule when I would like them to go live, so this should show up in the usual places about the same time as it normally would. I’ll be at the clinic at that time, while some of you will be reading this.

Have a great week, and I will attempt to contain my excitement over the rest of this month’s posts in the meantime.

Looking Forward to the Rest of April

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