My Favorite Character Artwork (so far) from The Relics of War

My Favorite Character Artwork (so far) from The Relics of War

Continuing with my theme of characters from The Relics of War this month, I decided it was time to share some of my favorite character artwork that I’ve received (or commissioned) for the series. Enjoy!


This didn’t come from any particular scene, but it’s a pretty good depiction of our half-scorpion warrior. (He’s also featured on the book covers of The Moon’s Eye and War of the Nameless.)

Vardak. Artwork by Galadriel Coffeen

Jal’den and Sal’zar

This comes from the final scene in The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel. (I know, it’s not part of the main trilogy, but both characters are in the trilogy, so I think it counts.)

Jal’den and Sal’zar. Artwork by Eurephora

Adalin and Ravin

This comes from a scene midway through The Talisman of Delucha, and it sums up their friendship very well. This is by far my favorite non-cover piece to date.

Adalin and Ravin. Artwork by Glint of Mischief

As a side note, I’ve had several other pieces of Ravin done, but none captured him as I’d envisioned until this one. This is the Ravin of my imagination.

Jal’den and Vardak

Technically, this is a book cover, but it is my favorite of the series, and it does showcase two of my favorite characters. This is from the 2nd time the two face off in the series.

War of the Nameless cover art featuring Jal’den and Vardak. Artwork by Jamie Noble.


Again, this one isn’t from a particular scene, but it depicts Dranamir’s personality perfectly.

Dranamir. Artwork by Galadriel Coffeen

Thanks for reading this week’s post! Until next time…

My Favorite Character Artwork (so far) from The Relics of War

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