Onwards and Upwards

Onwards and Upwards

I had an unexpectedly exciting past two weeks, and wanted to share a little bit. If you don’t see me as active on social media, or if I miss a blog post here to there, you’ll understand why in a moment.

First, I am happy to say I completed the draft of Oracle over Memorial Day weekend (that is, book two of The Mage War Chronicles). I’ll be starting edits on that next week, provided my second item doesn’t take up all of my free time outside of work.

The second thing is – and this is the big one – we bought a new house! We’ve been at the same place for over fifteen years, and it’s worked out well for us. We decided we’d stay where we were until the “right” house became available. We found that house on Sunday, so we’ll be busy with all the things that come with a new home purchase (inspections, paperwork, etc. And, of course, packing).

I hope to keep my weekly blog schedule on track during this time, but I can’t make any promises that I won’t miss a Thursday once or twice. What I will commit to is the book review blog scheduled for June 24, because I feel it’s important to keep up the support of other authors. I will also send out my newsletter as planned on June 26 (because it has another big announcement, unrelated to moving).

I’ll be taking a bit of a break from writing The Mage War Chronicles coming up, in part due to the move, and in part due to the upcoming newsletter announcement. I’ll still be writing, but it will be on a different project for a time. I’ve promised the announcement will go to the newsletter subscribers first, but I will release the news elsewhere after a few days. What I can tell you is that I am very excited about this, and I hope the news (and the subsequent project) will be well-received.

It looks like June is going to become a whirlwind of a month, but as one of my friends likes to say, “Onwards and upwards!”

I will leave you with a picture of my cat, Magic, who has claimed my notebook as her bed this evening. I don’t think she will look this content in a few weeks when we officially start moving.

Thanks for reading!

Onwards and Upwards

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