Resurfacing Once More

Resurfacing Once More

After spending a prolonged period of time in an ocean of revisions, I have finally resurfaced. I wrote a novel about ten years ago that I never went back to or did anything with after I had completed the initial draft. I decided to return a decade later, and during the course of re-reading, I ended up revising and/or rewriting about 90% of the novel. The main story did not change, but many revisions were necessary; I believe that it’s worth reading now.

But, wow. I’ve gone back to works before, years later, and made some minor adjustments, but I have never gone through the process of a near-complete rewrite. This novel was emotionally draining to write the first time around, and that did not change the second time. I recall after I finished writing Hunted back in 2010, that I was relieved to be finished with it. It was a monumental undertaking and the writing of this book forced me to stretch as an author in ways that I had never anticipated. I am happy with the final result.

Capt. Keith Tibbetts wreck, off the coast of Cayman Brac. (Photo courtesy of my husband)

When I mentioned that I have finally resurfaced, it is exactly as it sounds. Once I had committed to the revision process, I put all of my focus into it. Countless hours later, I am finally finished (and I’m certain my husband will be grateful that I can now return to normal life activities). Speaking of resurfacing reminds me of scuba diving; the image is from a dive trip my husband I took a couple years ago.

This won’t be the last mention of Hunted… But I will leave it at that for now. Check back for more details soon.

Resurfacing Once More

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