Coming to the end of The Caein Legacy

Coming to the end of The Caein Legacy Coming to the end of something is always a little bittersweet. It’s exciting—because I’m finally finished!—but it’s a little sad, too. After years of work, edits, revisions, seeking artwork, more revisions… It’s an amazing feeling to see a book out in the world, but it also leaves […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Organization of Characters

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Organization of Characters Keeping track of your characters can be a daunting task, especially when working on a larger series. I can’t claim to have the best tips or answers to all of your burning organizational questions, but I can share what I do. Lists I often make multiple lists of characters […]

The Case for Cozy

The Case for Cozy I’ve been a long-time reader of all things sci-fi/fantasy, but it wasn’t until recently (within the last three years or so), that I started to see “cozy” as a subgenre. And I’ll admit, I was a little skeptical at first. I love a good battle scene, whether it features traditional weapons, […]

Comparing Styles

Comparing Styles I don’t usually spend much time trying to compare my writing to other authors’ (which is probably why I’m terrible at coming up with comparable titles when asked to, but that’s a matter for another post.) No, today I’m actually considering stylistic similarities between my writing and another’s. This all started last year […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Weaponry

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Weaponry I realize I’m skipping around in my list of planned topics a bit, but I wanted to discuss one of my favorite elements of worldbuilding this week: Weapons. For me, the choice of weapons is based on three things. The first is centered around the world, and the second around the […]

A first glimpse of Wraith and the Revolution

A first glimpse of Wraith and the Revolution While I’m doing my best to really focus on The Caein Legacy for the rest of the summer and into autumn, I decided to share the opening lines to Wraith and the Revolution last weekend on my social media pages. Why did I decide to deviate from […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Maps and Locations

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Maps and Locations I do most of my location-based worldbuilding while I’m drafting a story. I don’t think I have ever drawn a map first; that’s always a much later step in my process. I start with a list of locations. As I mentioned in the first post of this series, Organization […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Organizing Ideas and Concepts

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Organizing Ideas and Concepts The Worldbuilder Diaries is a blog series intended to illustrate how I go about the process of worldbuilding for my fantasy and science-fiction novels. What works for me may not be ideal for another writer, but I will try to include alternatives for the processes outlined if they […]

Harbinger is now available!

Harbinger is now available! Harbinger is the highly anticipated third book in The Caein Legacy series, which will conclude in about 6 months with the release of Legend. And Harbinger is officially available! From one early reviewer: “A heart racing penultimate novel which delivers the action and bloody battle scenes just hinted at in book […]

Something I almost never do

Something I almost never do I’ve mentioned this before, but stress seems to induce a form of writer’s block in me. It’s not that I don’t know where my stories are going—I do. I’m a plotter by nature and everything is pretty well decided before I ever begin writing. The trouble is, stress saps my […]

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