The Worldbuilder Diaries: Deities and Religions

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Deities and Religions By this point in my writing life, I’ve concocted a decent array of gods and goddesses for some of my worlds, while others are conspicuously devoid of any deity at all. I have just as much fun developing worlds that have a bit of religion as I do those […]

Dragon shifters and why I write them

Dragon shifters and why I write them As many of you reading this probably are aware, I wrote a certain series featuring a dragon shifter main character (The Caein Legacy). It’s epic fantasy/sword and sorcery, my go-to genre to write. But as I’ve learned, it’s something of an anomaly (in more ways than one.) When […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Creatures

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Creatures Now that I’ve covered all of what I consider the “basic” elements of worldbuilding—the building blocks like maps, characters, and organization—I can finally move on to some of the more interesting topics. But this series had to start somewhere, right? Creatures vs. Characters First off, I’d like to discuss what I […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Naming Conventions

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Naming Conventions This is sort of a continuation of my last post of this series, Organization of Characters. Most characters have names, and oftentimes, those names will follow some sort of rule. Now, what those rules are can be entirely up to the author, especially with sci-fi or fantasy. They can based […]

Coming to the end of The Caein Legacy

Coming to the end of The Caein Legacy Coming to the end of something is always a little bittersweet. It’s exciting—because I’m finally finished!—but it’s a little sad, too. After years of work, edits, revisions, seeking artwork, more revisions… It’s an amazing feeling to see a book out in the world, but it also leaves […]

Comparing Styles

Comparing Styles I don’t usually spend much time trying to compare my writing to other authors’ (which is probably why I’m terrible at coming up with comparable titles when asked to, but that’s a matter for another post.) No, today I’m actually considering stylistic similarities between my writing and another’s. This all started last year […]

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Maps and Locations

The Worldbuilder Diaries: Maps and Locations I do most of my location-based worldbuilding while I’m drafting a story. I don’t think I have ever drawn a map first; that’s always a much later step in my process. I start with a list of locations. As I mentioned in the first post of this series, Organization […]

Harbinger is now available!

Harbinger is now available! Harbinger is the highly anticipated third book in The Caein Legacy series, which will conclude in about 6 months with the release of Legend. And Harbinger is officially available! From one early reviewer: “A heart racing penultimate novel which delivers the action and bloody battle scenes just hinted at in book […]

All of my Main Characters

All of my Main Characters I was bored recently and decided to make a list of every main character that has appeared in my published and to-be published books. This was a “just for fun” exercise, but maybe you’ll find it interesting too. So here they are, in alphabetical order: Andrew Caein Books: Exile, Guardian, […]

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