The Destinations of The Moon’s Eye: Trip Advisor Edition

The Destinations of The Moon’s Eye: Trip Advisor Edition

There are several destinations in The Moon’s Eye that are visited by more than one of the main characters. I thought it would be fun to create Trip Advisor-style reviews, written from the perspectives of a couple different characters. There are more locations than what I’ve listed this week, but I might do this again at a later time.

Since I have not revealed all of the character profiles as of the writing of this post, I’ve given them semi-anonymous usernames. Hope you enjoy my little bit of nonsense this week!

Delucha City

●●●●○            Goldeneyes

Expensive, but worth a stay

There are numerous reputable inns and taverns for those traveling to the city. Some are priced rather exorbitantly, but if you’ve the means, stay a few nights. The royal palace is an ancient structure in need of updating, but the young queen has proven a decent host. The Soulless have a tendency to frequent the city, so I’d recommend you come prepared with relics to ward them off.

●●○○○            ManFlayer

The queen is intolerable.

The palace would be readily defended from attack, but the furnishings are in need of updating – too much lace and velvet for my taste. The monarch is an entitled twit that does not know her place. I made her see reason a few times, before I was forced to pursue other ventures. When I return, she’ll regret her previous actions…


●●●●●            ManFlayer


For a city that is supposed to be well-defended, it took us very little time to destroy it. I razed half the buildings myself. It was glorious. If given the chance to unleash your fury, unencumbered, I highly recommend doing so. My stay in Jennavere was invigorating.

●○○○○            She-Knight

Unsafe. Stay away

I was expecting to find a thriving city on the lakeshore, but found only devastation. The city was reduced to ruins, and bodies filled the streets. It was a nightmare, and one we were helpless to prevent. For your own safety, do not travel to Jennavere!

The Shining Tower

●●●●●            AetherealBoy


The tower is the most wondrous structure I’ve ever seen. Not to mention, meeting the wizards has been incredible! The training has been hard work, and sometimes boring, but I’ll see it through. I’ve spent plenty of time in the library – there are more books in the tower than there are anywhere else in the known world. It’s a must see if you travel to Dar Daelad.

●●○○○            Goldeneyes

Not to my taste.

Yes, the Shining Tower itself is a magical wonder, but the fools that run it are bound by rules and politics that hinder their progress. They hide behind the shiny façade of their tower and forget their true purpose. Don’t bother wasting your time. I found I’m better off on my own.

Stonewall Hall

●○○○○            Goldeneyes

Dangerous location

I came here by accident, and had no intention of staying to explore. Encountered a Soulless in the first minutes, and heard Undead not long after. Even with my magical prowess, it’s a dangerous hell-hole best left to its cursed keepers. Stay away, if you have any sense.

●●○○○            BlademonsChosen

As advertised.

Stonewall Hall is known for its dangers, and for its treasures. I encountered plenty of the former, and none of the latter. If you plan to travel here, make certain your blades are sharp, and you’ve taken the time to learn the guide markers to navigate the place. It’s a maze filled with monsters, as advertised.

The Stronghold

●●●●●            BlademonsChosen

A great destination

The desert at night is peaceful, as long as the sentries keep the Murkor at bay. The training hall and sparring ring are great places to work out and observe matches. Take the time to visit the marketplace while you’re there—it’s worth exploring. Quality weapons and armor are always for sale, and occasionally goods from across the mountains.

●●○○○            She-Knight

Not worth the trip

We spent days making the journey to the Stronghold, suffering heat exhaustion and dehydration. When we finally arrived, we were met with armed resistance. We were offered lodging, but the locals are very mistrustful of outsiders and more likely to argue than give assistance. I was very disappointed.

The Underground Caverns

●○○○○            ManFlayer

I hate this place.

The caverns serve their purpose, as all things do. They are home to the Murkor, a lesser people who will one day bow to their proper masters. The area is shielded from magic, which I find quite infuriating. The Murkor leaders are a tiresome pair, and if I had access to my Ability while visiting, I’d slaughter them both without question. It’s no less than they deserve.

●●●●●            Commander


The caverns provide a place of rest for the weary travelers crossing the Wasted Land. Crystalline lights decorate the natural stalactites, and are muted for sensitive eyes. It is a place of peace and natural beauty. The Murkor are welcoming to most who seek refuge from the sun above.

Thanks for reading! Keep watching my blog, newsletter, and social media for more info on the release of The Relics of War!

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The Destinations of The Moon’s Eye: Trip Advisor Edition

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