The Magi of Guardian

The Magi of Guardian

Book 2 in The Caein Legacy is very much Alexander’s story, as told from Andrew’s perspective as his guardian. Alex has found his way to the Southlands and is embarking on his pilgrimage to become a mage.

A number of new characters are introduced in Guardian, and many of them are magi. Since it’s my next release, I think it’s time to share a little information on each of them.


She’s tasked by the Oracle to work as Alexander’s guide along the journey. The mage’s pilgrimage starts and ends at the Oracle’s tower in the Citadel, but he must stop at twelve different locations along the way, where he must go through a trial. Each is spaced to ensure the would-be mage is recovered sufficiently before entering the next.

Chela’s magical ability allows her to navigate areas she has never been to previously. Think of her as a magical version of Google Maps, with her power guiding the way. Her ability comes into play a couple of times.


Lydia is a healer, but she isn’t the first the brothers encounter. (If you’ve read Exile, you’ll recall Belora. Lydia’s magical gift is the same.)

They first meet her after a decidedly dangerous portion of the journey, where Andrew does something very Andrew, and requires her attention. She is fascinated by him due to his dragon heritage, but it’s Alex that captures her undivided attention. I’ll leave it at that for now.

The Roche Twins

Nevin and Niall Roche reside at the midway point along the mage’s pilgrimage. They’re both fire mages, and it’s their job to clear the mountain passes of snow. They’re scholars of a sort, interested in history, and knowledgeable about the dragon-kind.

They’re minor characters in Guardian, but they make a reappearance later in the series.


Rynn also resides at the midway point, but she’s a frost mage. Unlike the other magi you have encountered so far, her magic branded her in a way that is both rare and dangerous for those around her.

In this world, some of the most powerful magi are physically changed when they become fully attuned to their ability, and Rynn is one of them. When she finished her trials, her magic made her so cold to the touch, she has given people frostbite.

She was sent to the remote location by the Oracle afterward, with a confusing note that she must not leave until certain persons arrive as foreseen in one of the Oracle’s visions. During her time in the mountains, she has learned to adapt to her condition, avoiding all physical contact while simultaneously helping the twins with their work clearing snow.

Naturally, she’s intrigued by Andrew and his immunity to cold… It has been eleven years since she’s so much as touched anyone, after all.

If you haven’t heard already, Guardian is set to release on November 28, 2023.

The Magi of Guardian

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