This Writer’s Birthday Plans

This Writer’s Birthday Plans

I’m getting older next week, and to celebrate, I have a couple things planned.

First (and the timing was a total coincidence), is a book tour for The Talisman of Delucha, book 2 in The Relics of War series. As I did with the first book, Talisman’s tour is hosted by Escapist Books. The tour is running April 3 – 9. If you follow me on social media, I’ll be sharing tour items as they’re posted each day.

The second and most exciting thing is I have a special something going out in my newsletter on April 5 (my actual birthday.) This special thing is an exclusive, limited time offer. It’s something that will be available on retail stores at a later date – but isn’t yet.

Intrigued? Good.

As I said, it will be available via my newsletter only (I will not be sharing this to my blog or social media.) It’s a gift to my subscribers, the people who have stuck with me and continue to support my writing through all of its ups and downs.

If you aren’t a subscriber and you’d like to sign up, you can do so here: Newsletter signup

If you’re already a subscriber – THANK YOU! Make sure to check your inbox on April 5 for that exclusive something.

This Writer’s Birthday Plans

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