Month: December 2021

Book Review: The Cracked Reflection by Terry Geo

Book Review: The Cracked Reflection by Terry Geo Genre(s): Science fiction, suspense The Cracked Reflection is a prequel to Refraction, a book I reviewed several months ago. You can read my review of Refraction here. Maria Braighton is a girl with an imaginary friend – who might not be so imaginary. Her friend has a […]

2021: A Recap

2021: A Recap It’s been a busy year for me, and not only in the writing arena. But for me, busy is good. I’ve done more in the past twelve months than I’d realized prior to writing this post. I feel almost crazy thinking about it – but I’m also very pleased with all I’ve […]

Book Review: Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings

Reader Note: With the new year coming up, I’m going to implement a slightly different policy regarding my book reviews. I’ll post them as I finish reading, rather than create one large post at the end of the month. I believe this will be easier for readers to digest, and it’s also an opportunity for […]

Book Reviews: December 2021

Book Reviews: December 2021 It’s that time again: book reviews! This month I was looking for holiday/winter themed books and found a few titles that hit the mark. The book images link directly to the Amazon page for each, and additional information (or links to buy) can be found on the author websites, listed at […]

The Murkor People in The Relics of War

The Murkor People in The Relics of War In preparation for my next writing project, The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel, I wanted to go a little more in-depth about the Murkor people that you’ll see in The Relics of War, as well as the mentioned novella. The Ballad novella will feature two of them […]

In Case You Missed It…

In Case You Missed It… Pre-orders are now available for The Moon’s Eye (book 1 of The Relics of War trilogy)! The book will launch on January 11, 2022. Amazon (ebook) Barnes & Noble (ebook) Google Play (ebook) Ebooks will be available from Apple Books soon. They are pending review at both retailers. Paperbacks and […]

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