Book Tour Recap: The Talisman of Delucha

Book Tour Recap: The Talisman of Delucha I did it again. Another book tour, this time for The Talisman of Delucha. As with the first, it was hosted by Escapist Book Co, and was just as much fun! The tour ran from April 3 – 9, and kicked off with a character Q&A session between […]

I Write Darkness

I Write Darkness I realized something about my writing lately. There is a lot of darkness, anguish, and sometimes downright disturbing stuff that appears on the pages of my books. I’ve never really considered my stuff to be “grimdark,” but I suppose there might be elements there (some books more so than others.) The term […]

Weekend Sale and Box Set Release

Weekend Sale and Box Set Release Weekend Sale The Moon’s Eye, book one in The Relics of War trilogy, will be on sale for $0.99 USD/CAD/AUD/GBP starting tomorrow: April 21 through April 24 on all retailers! What Reviewers Have Said About The Moon’s Eye: “Calvin’s engaging epic tale opens with a dense and emotionally complex […]


ANTs… No, I’m not referring to insects, but let me start from the beginning. I was talking to one of my coworkers recently about my next book release. I’ll admit I’m more of a nervous wreck this time around than I was for the previous five. As I mentioned in a previous post, The Caein […]

The Caein Legacy: Magic, Magi, and The Oracle

The Caein Legacy: Magic, Magi, and The Oracle What’s a fantasy book without magic of some form? The Caein Legacy is no exception, but the way I built the magic system for this series (and the related series The Mage War Chronicles) is different than what I’ve done in the past. Rather than have a […]

Magic’s Cat Tales: Moonlight Serenade

I wrote this little piece one morning after my cat, Magic, woke me up for the third morning in a row yowling at the full moon. Consider it the first of Magic’s Cat Tales. I may write more stories later as inspiration strikes. Moonlight Serenade As moonlight spills across her path, she pauses to peer […]

The Caein Legacy’s Long History

The Caein Legacy’s Long History On May 24, 2019, I started writing something “new.” It was a story that had been brewing in my head for years, one that I’d started and stopped countless times, often with different characters featured as the main, but nothing felt right. Not until that date, anyway. There were several […]

Short Stories Aren’t Easy (for me)

Short Stories Aren’t Easy (for me) I rarely write short stories, but I’m currently trying to write a few. And it’s hard. Some people excel at writing short stories and do so beautifully. I’m a novelist. Always have been. Short pieces are a struggle—my ideas are always too expansive, too intricate for a short story […]

Editing, Editing, Editing…

Editing, Editing, Editing… I haven’t written anything new since January 2nd. It feels strange to have gone almost two months without typing out shiny new words for a never-before-seen story, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on anything. No, I’ve been editing an entire series from start to finish. Four books back to […]

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