Reader Question: If you could have lunch with one of your characters in your book – who would it be?

Reader Question: If you could have lunch with one of your characters in your book – who would it be?

Hunted cover art

Out of all the characters that I have created, in all of the stories, I think my answer to this would be Zy’driks from Hunted.

Though it is not directly stated in the book what his true age is, he has been a summoner for several centuries. It would be fascinating to hear some of his stories, to learn of events first-hand that he may have witnessed. He is also an accomplished musician, and for those who know me, I was once in All-State Orchestra, so music has always been an interest of mine.

As a summoner, it would be interesting to hear his perspective on world events, and what role he, the Order, or the hunters may have played within them.

In addition to this, he is probably one of the more interesting/intriguing characters that I have come up with as an author. I have toyed with the idea of writing a book one day that features Zy’driks as the main character, but I have not seriously worked on anything along that line at this juncture in time.

After ten years of sitting in my “maybe one day I will work on this again” shelf, Hunted has been revised, edited, and polished in the past few weeks. Look for it in paperback and ebook soon (I am hoping for an October release date, but I cannot confirm for certain at this time).

Reader Question: If you could have lunch with one of your characters in your book – who would it be?

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