My Villains

My Villains Note: If you’re having difficulty viewing images, please click on the blog title at the top of your email to view it in a web browser. There is a recent issue preventing some mobile users to view imbedded images from my posts. I considered writing a post about villains several months ago, then […]

Book Review: Darkwitch by Kat Kinney

Book Review: Darkwitch by Kat Kinney Genre(s): Fantasy / YA Content warning: Darkwitch contains some violent scenes. I read and reviewed Dyrwolf, the first book in this series as part of my August 2021 book review post. You can read my thoughts on Dyrwolf here: August 2021 Book Reviews Since the events of Dyrwolf, the […]

The Caein Legacy: Cover Artwork

The Caein Legacy: Cover Artwork Note: If you’re having difficulty viewing images, please click on the blog title at the top of your email to view it in a web browser. There is a recent issue preventing some mobile users to view imbedded images from my posts. Back in January, I mentioned that I’d come […]

Book Review: Curse of the Huntsman’s Jewel by Kirsten S. Blacketer

Book Review: Curse of the Huntsman’s Jewel by Kirsten S. Blacketer Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Fairy Tale Retelling Content warning: There are several explicit sex scenes in this book, and one in particular that involves questionable consent. A mashup of two classic fairy tales (Red Riding Hood and Snow White and Rose Red), Curse […]

The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel: Coming April 30!

The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel: Coming April 30! Note: If you’re having difficulty viewing images, please click on the blog title at the top of your email to view it in a web browser. There is a recent issue preventing some mobile users to view imbedded images from my posts. I began this novella […]

Book Review: Graphite and Turbulence by Jami Fairleigh

Book Review: Graphite and Turbulence by Jami Fairleigh Genre(s): Fantasy / Post-apocalyptic Content warning: There are some scenes depicting wounds/injuries that some readers may find unpleasant, a theme of kidnapping, and some scenes of mild violence as well. Matthew Sugiyama is an Artist; he has been trained to repair and reconstruct physical objects (buildings, walls, […]

An Overdue Check-in

An Overdue Check-in Life has been busy. Work life. Writing life. Personal life. Well, maybe not so much on the third one, as the first two have taken up most of my time. I realize it’s been a while since my last “check-in” post. With all of the book-related content I have planned, I think […]

An Excerpt from The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel

An Excerpt from The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel The Ballad of Alchemy and Steel is scheduled to release April 30 (free to newsletter subscribers: subscribe here) It’s only 16 days away, so it’s about time I share a little from that novella. This piece comes from early in the story and sets the tone […]

Book Review: The God of Forgotten Things by T.M. Kohl

Book Review: The God of Forgotten Things by T.M. Kohl Genre(s): Fantasy, Science Fiction Content warning: There are mild combat/fight scenes. Once again, this book picked up right where the last one left off. This time, there’s a bit more explained about the travel between worlds and the book has started to give a slightly […]

Cover Reveal: War of the Nameless

Cover Reveal: War of the Nameless As those of you who follow me on social media probably know, I officially finished the rewrite on War of the Nameless a couple weeks ago. I made a promise to myself – and several fans – that I’d reveal the cover on social media April 5 if I […]

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