Book Review: Blood of the Wicked by L.B. Black

Genre(s): Paranormal Fiction / Paranormal Romance

Content warning: There are a couple fairly detailed sex scenes in this book, as well as scenes of violence.

Evie and Lawrence are once again on the trail of the necromancer Warren, and this time he’s upped the stakes. He’s seeking a fae mirror that was once broken by a former Owl King, and if the pieces are reunited, it will grant him a window to the afterlife. Given what he attempted in the first book, an object of that nature will only prove deadly in his hands—for the entirety of the world.

While I enjoyed the first book in the series, I think the second installment was both more intriguing and left me with fewer unanswered questions by the end.

Blood of the Wicked followed much of the same themes as book one. Evie is forced into some difficult situations that her lack of magical talent only makes worse/more trying, Lawrence finds himself in the role of her protector, and this time, they also have the help of Jacob and Blaise, who are adept at battle magic.

Evie seems to be slowly gaining a bit more magic through the series, though her alchemy and cunning are still her greatest assets. I really do like the idea of someone born into a role (in her case, a witch’s), but who still struggles with some of the basics—and it seemed that in this second book, she’s come to realize that maybe it’s partly because she prefers alchemy to the “accepted” forms of magic.

There was plenty of action, new monsters and threats to overcome, and a potential new adversary—or two. I especially liked the concept of the wraiths in this book, and how they differed significantly from ghosts.

Based on the ending, the third book in the series should be very interesting.

If you’d like to know my thoughts on book one in The Owl King Archives, you can read my review here: Book Review: The Owl’s Crown by L.B. Black.

Author’s Twitter handle: @authorlbblack

Have a book you’d like me to read and review? Contact me here! (I’m a fan of science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, thrillers, horror, suspense, and the like.)

Book Review: Blood of the Wicked by L.B. Black

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