
My #FantasyIndiesSpooktober Responses

For those who follow me on Twitter, you probably noticed I was participating in a fun Q&A during the month of October. I also posted my daily responses to my Facebook reader group. For those who don’t follow me on social media, I compiled all of the responses here for your reading enjoyment. (Keep in mind that Twitter has a 280-character limit, so all original answers are brief! I’ve added additional notes in italics for the purpose of my blog.)

#FantasyIndiesSpooktober Daily Prompt List

1. Introduce Yourself:

I’m A.J. I write epic fantasy, though my only available book, Hunted, was a foray into urban fantasy. I’m currently in the process of releasing The Relics of War (a trilogy).

In actuality, I have quite a few other books written. The full list is:

  • Hunted (published 2020)
  • The Moon’s Eye (The Relics of War: Book 1) – currently with my editor
  • The Talisman of Delucha (The Relics of War: Book 2) – being written at present
  • Exile (The Caein Legacy: Book 1) – I’m querying…
  • Guardian (The Caein Legacy: Book 2)
  • Harbinger (The Caein Legacy: Book 3)
  • Legend (The Caein Legacy: Book 4)
  • The Triad Murders (The Mage War Chronicles: Book 1) – I plan to release this series after The Caein Legacy finds its way into print
  • Oracle (The Mage War Chronicles: Book 2)

With the exception of Hunted, all of the books in the list are considered adult, epic fantasy.

2. Saturday Snippet:

This is a snippet from my current work in progress (WIP), The Talisman of Delucha (book 2 of The Relics of War). Ravin is the queen’s advisor, so yes, there’s a threat implied here:

3. Spook Level in your WIP:

The spook level of The Talisman of Delucha is relatively low. There is an upcoming scene in the catacombs, though the environment is spookier than the events taking place (but there are skeletons!)

4. Magic Monday – Favorite Magic User:

I love Pug from Magician by Raymond E. Feist.

From my own writing, it’s Rynn from The Caein Legacy. She’s an ice mage. She’s strong, independent, and often puts the MC in his place (he needs it, sometimes!) She also saves his life.

Rynn isn’t introduced until halfway through book 2 (Guardian). I loved her personality, and her interaction with the main character (Andrew). The event that is mentioned in my original post regarding her saving his life takes place in the final book. It turns out, even the dragon-kind need saving, sometimes.

5. Favorite Spooky Books:

Anything by Edgar Allan Poe

Song of Kali (Dan Simmons)

The Stand (Stephen King)

The scariest book I’ve ever read was Intensity by Dean Koontz. That book messed with my head.

I would have loved to elaborate more on Intensity. It’s not the typical gory, slasher-type horror novel, though it does have a few moments. It’s nearly 100% psychological. This is the only book I can recall that I could only read 15-20 minutes before setting it aside. It was an excellently written book, but the nature of the story really got to me. It’s a book that I would love to recommend to fans of the genre, but also one that I hesitate to recommend because it bothered me as much as it did.

6. Monsters in your WIP:

The scariest monsters in The Relics of War are the human/humanoid characters themselves.

Other monsters include: the Undead, sea serpents, giant flesh-eating plants, and rabid bears.

Since the writing of this post on October 6, I have since reconsidered the addition of rabid bears to the story because I wasn’t in love with the idea. They have been replaced by giant venomous centipedes…because bugs are neat, and they freak people out. Yes, I’m that author. You’re welcome – or not.

7. Favorite Villains:

Darth Vader. Michael Meyers from Halloween (the original). Kefka (from Final Fantasy 3/6).

From my own books, Dranamir from The Relics of War, and Colin from The Caein Legacy.

Dranamir is probably my favorite villain to write, and I’ll admit, several of her scenes in The Moon’s Eye were inspired by the tone/feel of Darth Vader in the hallway as seen in Rogue One. She doesn’t wield a lightsaber, but she’s a powerful mage without a conscience. She makes do without a physical weapon.

Colin is a favorite simply because of his dialogue. He’s a character everyone loves to hate – myself included.

On a side note, Kefka is listed as Final Fantasy 3/6 for a reason. For those unfamiliar with the games, Final Fantasy 3 was released to SNES. The same game was later released for Playstation as Final Fantasy 6. I’m one of those people who happens to own both versions…

8. Feature Friday:

One of the best series I’ve read is the Deverry Cycle by Katherine Kerr. I’d read fantasy previous to her books, but her series made me fall in love with the genre.

I read most of the Deverry Cycle while in high school, but have (for the most part) kept up with the newer books as they were released over the years.

9. Saturday Snippet:

This one comes from Hunted:

The above passage is between summoner Ke’tai and Chandra as they discuss their uncertain future.

10. Favorite Antiheroes:

Wolverine. Riddick. Deadpool.

From my own writing, I don’t have many to choose from. I’d have to go with Helene from The Mage War Chronicles. She wants to do what’s right, but circumstances force her to do what’s necessary…and so she does.

To elaborate a bit more on Helene, she is the mage who becomes known as the Oracle. In the second book of the series, she’s blackmailed into working for a corrupt man with too much power over the Citadel. When her brother’s life is at stake, she does everything in her power to save him, regardless of the consequences.

11. Magic Monday – Spells or Curses:

My books could be said to have both, but I refer to it only as magic. The magic is neither good or bad on its own, but can be used for either purpose depending on the wielder’s intent.

This statement is true for The Relics of War and Hunted, in particular. In both worlds, magic (or summoning, in the case of Hunted) is a tool to be used by its wielder.

The magic system in the world of The Caein Legacy and The Mage War Chronicles is a bit different. Magi in that system are born with innate powers that they may learn to harness – not everyone born with the Mark makes the decision to become a mage. Some magi have relatively mundane abilities (long-distance communication, or detecting truth from lies), while others have the more flashy, classic style of magic (like Rynn, who can manipulate ice and snow). Each mage is gifted with a single ability and cannot learn others. The exception to this rule are dragon-mages, who are often gifted with 2-3 separate magical abilities.

12. Vampires or Werewolves:

Not sure I can choose one over the other, I love both!

I haven’t written any vampires into my stories (yet), but I have a partially completed werewolf story I started years ago.

The werewolf story… I began writing that one 6-7 years ago, but have stopped and set it aside on several occasions. I haven’t figured out where I was going with it, which is the greatest obstacle I face as a writer (I have to know my endpoint in order to complete a story).

13. Villain in your WIP:

In The Relics of War it’s Dranamir. She’s ruthless, cruel, and will stop at nothing to get her way. She’s also one of the most powerful mages in existence.

Want to learn more about Dranamir? I posted her character bio to my site on October 30. You can read it (and see the character artwork for her) here.

14. Trick or Treat – Tricks or Twists in your WIP:

This is “tricky”, I can’t give away spoilers! In The Talisman of Delucha, Ravin comes to a difficult crossroads toward the end, and his decision opens the way for major events in book 3. That’s all I can say!

I know this Q&A was Halloween-themed, but asking about tricks and twists is definitely a difficult thing for writers. I am a firm believer in not giving away spoilers and a trick or twist reveal would be doing just that. I gave away enough in my response.

15. Feature Friday:

I wanted to feature an artist this week. I had the cover reveal for The Moon’s Eye a couple weeks ago (I also have the art for books 2 and 3 in the series). Jamie does excellent work!

His website:

The Moon's Eye
The Moon’s Eye cover art

16. Saturday Snippet:

This comes from The Talisman of Delucha (book 2 of The Relics of War, and my current WIP). Emra and Vardak are on watch duty…and yes, there are monsters in depths.

Remember that centipede I mentioned previously? It’s about to show itself.

17. Favorite Spooky Creatures:

Ghosts! I think it’s the constant factor of the unknown when it comes to ghosts that appeals to me.

Another little-known fact, along the lines of that werewolf story I mentioned earlier: I also worked on a ghost story that was set in the same fictional town, that sadly met the same fate as the werewolf story. I was planning to do some character crossover between the books. One day I’ll figure out where I was going with both (I hope) and finish them up.

18. Magic Monday – Your Magic System:

There are 2 factions in The Relics of War. The Council of Auras, which is open to any and all who wish to learn, and The Enlightened, aka the Shadow Council, who follow the Soulless.

I wrote a blog post that goes into much more detail about the factions on October 14. You can read it here.

19. MC’s Greatest Desire:

Vardak: For the gods to leave him alone

Aran’daj: To see his people freed

Tavesin: To save his friend

Dranamir: World domination

Ravin: Revenge

Emra: An end to [spoiler]

Most of the main characters in The Relics of War are defined fairly quickly in the first book. I had no problems listing out their greatest desires, with the exception of Emra. Hers is revealed in book 2, hence why I omitted the rest of the sentence.

20. Lone Wolf Characters:

Rynn from The Caein Legacy isn’t the typical lone wolf. Due to her magical condition it’s unsafe for her to make physical contact with anyone. She keeps her distance out of necessity.

Yes, I came back to Rynn. She’s a great character! In the world of The Caein Legacy, some magi are physically altered after they complete their training. It isn’t fully understood why some magi are affected in this manner, while others remain unchanged. In Rynn’s case, she’s an ice mage and that alteration made her so cold to the touch that she can’t interact with others without risk of harming them. A handshake can result in frostbite.

21. Masquerade/Dance in WIP:

There will be some dancing during the queen’s wedding celebration in The Talisman of Delucha. Whether or not Ravin participates is yet to be seen.

I wrote this scene 4 days after the post was made. It turns out, Ravin decided to dance after all.

22. Feature Friday:

I wanted to mention a couple artists this week:

 Dewi Hargreaves draws fantastic maps! He made 2 for me, for separate series (both The Relics of War and The Caein Legacy). His website:

And Morgan Wright does amazing work with book cover animations. She has animated covers for me for all 3 books in The Relics of War. Her website:

23. Saturday Snippet:

This passage comes from the beginning of The Triad Murders (book 1 in The Mage War Chronicles). Magnus is the guard-captain of the Citadel, and Tynan Locke is a career gambler with a long history of eluding law enforcement.

This was the first passage I have ever released from The Triad Murders. To give a bit more context than Twitter would allow, Tynan was witness to a murder and is forced to work with Magnus. A couple chapters later, Magnus learns Tynan’s magical ability allows him to tell if someone is telling the truth or lying, and the reluctant gambler winds up working with the Citadel guard to solve a second murder case, as well.

24. What Haunts Your MC:

Vardak: The death of a friend

Aran’daj: The threat to his people

Tavesin: Guilt

Dranamir: Ravin

Ravin: The Soulless

Emra: Her past

I want to be clear – there is not a typo in the above list. Dranamir truly is haunted by Ravin…Or rather, the fact that he’s alive.

25. Magic Monday – Your Magic Characters:

I’ll pick one favorite from each of my series, since there are too many to list.

The Relics of War: Ravin

The Caein Legacy: Rynn

The Mage War Chronicles: Tynan

Once again, it’s difficult to explain the why of my choices on Twitter due to the character limitations.

I chose Ravin because he is something of a lone wolf that is forced into working with others out of necessity. He’d rather be left to himself, but life rarely gives him that opportunity. He’s the most powerful mage in the world, but unless he’s faced with the Soulless, he rarely speaks of it. He doesn’t like the attention such statements bring.

I’m sure you can gather enough from the earlier pieces of this post to know why I chose Rynn… Although I do have a soft spot for Alexander, as well. Alex’s personality was loosely based on my brother’s (he knows this), and his interactions with the main character (his brother, Andrew) were a lot of fun to write.

The Mage War Chronicles feature the largest number of mage-type characters out of any of my series, but since I’ve only written the first two books, the full cast hasn’t yet been revealed. I chose Tynan because he is broken in so many ways, yet manages to survive. His life has been the most difficult of any character I’ve written to date, and I hope by the end of the series he finds true happiness. I’ve outlined books 3-5, and I know there will be a 6th. Tynan’s story will get darker before it gets better…but at present, I’m not sure how it will finally end.

26. Favorite Spooky Movies/TV Shows:

Movies: Halloween, Poltergeist, Pan’s Labyrinth

TV Shows: The X-Files, Stranger Things

There are many more, but for the sake of brevity, I’ll leave it as is.

27. Trick or Treat – Sweet Moments in WIP:

I’m building up to a little something between Emra and Patak. I haven’t come to that point quite yet, so I’ll share this bit from The Triad Murders, instead:

Tynan and Dantellion (Dan) have a bit of a bromance going on throughout the book, but I can’t go into further details without giving spoilers. Dan is the only person Tyanan has in his life that could be considered a true friend. This passage came after Tynan finally shared a few details from his past.

28. Secret Identity/Double Life:

Tynan from The Mage War Chronicles fits this role. He’s been running from his past for years, and has changed his identity at least once to escape it. (No details, because they’re all spoilers)

As I said above, Tynan’s life has always been difficult, and facing his past is something he fears.

29. Feature Friday:

I want to mention an author that wrote some very kind words of encouragement to me years ago. I still have the letter, and it brings me hope that I can make this work. Thank you, Dan Simmons.

My signed copy of The Fall of Hyperion, and the letter that Dan Simmons wrote to me along with it.

If you look at the date on the letter, it was 1998. I was a teenager, still attempting to find my path. I knew from a young age that I loved to write, but it wasn’t until I was in high school that I began to consider publishing one day. I will always be grateful to Mr. Simmons for taking the time to not only sign my copy of The Fall of Hyperion, but to write me the letter pictured and even answer some questions I had. (His Hyperion Cantos was the first true science fiction I’d read, and I fell in love with the genre because of his books.)

I understand the hosts of FantasyIndiesSpooktober meant the feature Friday posts to be promotional for other indie works, but I have a difficult time singling people out. I have met SO MANY wonderful people in the Twitter writing community that I would ultimately be forced to choose only a handful, and leave many others out. I couldn’t bring myself to do that, and so I featured two authors that personally helped launch my writing, and the artists that I have worked with along my journey so far.

30. Saturday Snippet:

This comes from Harbinger, book 3 in The Caein Legacy:

This is another book that I haven’t released much from, to date. As book 3 in the series, I find it difficult to pull passages that won’t spoil pieces from the previous 2. The series focuses on four brothers: Andrew (the main character, and the last of the dragon-kind), Colin (the antagonist, and the present king of Novania), Alexander (a mage), and Thomas (a scribe by training who was never meant to be in line for the Novanian throne). Yes, Andrew is technically the half-brother to the other three; his father was a dragon-mage.

In Novania, bearing the Mark of the Magi is punishable by death – even though the Mark appears prior to birth. The laws are equally hostile toward the dragon-kind; it is permissible to hunt dragons for sport within the borders of the kingdom. Even though Colin is aware one of his brothers is dragon-kind and the other bears the Mark, he upholds the laws. By the time the story reaches book 3, he has taken it to the extreme.

For those who have followed my blog, I mention this series from time to time, and I have released excerpts from Exile (book 1), and Guardian (book 2). Several character bios are also available on my series page.

31. Celebrations in your WIP:

In The Talisman of Delucha, the only celebration mentioned is the queen’s wedding. I finished writing that chapter earlier this week – it was a fun one!

Ah, the queen… There is so much I could say about her, but for the sake of not giving spoilers, I can’t. She is young, but not innocent. She is entitled, yet naïve. She is a hindrance to Ravin’s plans, and it takes much defiance on his part in order to accomplish what he knows must be done. Her wedding was a prime example of this, but Ravin did find some time to enjoy himself during the festivities. We’ll leave it at that.

Thanks for reading this week’s post. I know it was a long one, but I wanted to capture the snippets and information I released on social media for those who don’t follow me there.

If you’d like to follow me, I’m @AJCalvin on Twitter, and @AuthorAJCalvin on Facebook.


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